
Full Version: FFXIVMinion - Update
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Hello, i updated all but the bot doesnt attack. it follows the fat but remain on mount
(07-22-2015, 09:13 AM)sasytherev Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, i updated all but the work doesnt attack. it follows the fat but remain on mount

Same issue. Everything loads fine, bot follows fate but doesn't engage or do anything. Just sits on mount.
Yeah got similar issues. Performs one action at the start of combat and after that its just basic attacks
Should be noted that Assist mode works fine.. so I doubt its an issue with the skill profile module. Probably just an issue with grind mode in particular.
I did a lot of updated after refresh but still not working
I uninstalled and reinstalled minionlib and acelib, seems to have helped fix things. Be sure to reload Luna modules.
(07-22-2015, 10:10 AM)fxfire Wrote: [ -> ]Oh and also please check if you have the new ACELIB installed and updated, @minionapp Store!!!

Made clean install and it started working. So problem was at my end so nothing wrong with bot thank you
Gather has a problem
Gather distance is too far so can not gather anything
bot was not attacking mobs in FATE, installed ACELIB and reload LUA now its working fine.
Gathering distance is too long, should shorten it by half or so.

But thanks for adding stealth and stealth distance back, it was really pain in new locs, I had to use modded .lua to fix it manualy.
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