
Full Version: Mooch turned on but not working
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I'm running the fishing bot mode, no profile with custom markers. They all have mooch turned on but it is not working. I have also assigned the fish I want to use to mooch in the moochable fish slot. Still nothing. I can post screenshots if that will help. I've read through a bunch of other threads but couldn't find any answers.
Post what your marker setup looks like please.
Me too, mooch not working.

At first I setup simple marker profile but no mooching if any fish name on "Moochable fish" or empty.

Here is screenshot with console log with debug level 3.

Anything I missing with?
Harbor Herring
[Image: adb7b751cb.jpg]

Thanks for replay about it.

Yes I tried with Caps without Caps but still not mooching by EN client (always I set EN for isolation problem)
By manual its works I can mooch Ogre Barracuda then Mazlaya Marlin.

Location : Eastern La Noscea , Northbloodshore
My fisher level 53 and try to moch with lvl 17 fish.

Any idea?
Try leaving the Moochable field empty and give that a shot.
It's usually how I get Mooch to work.

It's working after I empty Moochable Fish field as empty.

And testing double mooching right now.

Thank you.
Hav tested it and confirmed .. ace is working on a fix .