
Full Version: Seal Rock [Seize] Mesh & lua
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Hey everyone,

I've made a mesh for Seal Rock that I'd like to share with the community because I've been getting a lot of PMs about it. It's by no means perfect but I've been able to successfully farm Seal Rock for a few hours at a time. To be clear, since this is a PvP bot it is extremely high risk of being reported. So please use this at your own risk.

The mesh/lua is set up so that the bot will follow markers and afk there. Finding a good afk spot can be tricky due to the changing spawn locations. I tend to use centre but I'm open to suggestions

Install Instructions:
1) Extract mesh files to \MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\Navigation
2) Attach bot
3) Overwrite ffxiv_task_pvp.lua to the folder \MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods
4) Reload the Lua Modules (in game)
5) Select Seal Rock in the duty finder then set the bot to PvP mode and enable

Note: You will have to repeat steps 2-5 everytime you restart bot because it will fix the edited LuaMod at start up
wow thanks!
It works well for what it does, any way it can cycle through the two markers so it's not just staying at one spot?
man great idea i cant wait to give this a try once its a bit more fleshed out
just an idea why make it sit any where why not just make it run around and attack any chars its sees at least then u dont have to worry about afk thing or being kicked
does this no longer work?