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My crafting profile doesn't work well, and it will repeat some skills and use up all your cp. I'm sure my profile is correct because I used it last week, and work well. I do have backups, and tried them. But all of them are broken. Just repeat some skills. It looks Minion fail to read the buffs on me.
Change the , seperators to +
Where is the setting for Seperators? It's a new function recently posted?
Whos craft profile is it?

The buff check seperators in the skills on the profile.
My own craft profile. I made 1-4 stars craft profile, and always worked well. I know what your mean. What's going on, why they change "," to "+"?
Works, ty.
I encountered an unrelated Crafting issue starting this morning's update. the bot does not start crafting. I have the window open to the recipe I want but it will not engage. Now, once i click "synthezise" it follows the logical steps and completes the synth, but it will not begin the next synth.

I'm at a