
Full Version: sorry for all the questions
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i follow the gather guide step by step. not sure why it keeps farming crystals. they give almost no exp. i even typed in the name of the item i want it to farm.
for example lettuce is not the same as Lettuce it has to be spelled exactly as it shows up.
yeah, i know. i deleted the marker and made a new one, its not doing it now, but this maker is set up the same way. unless i missed a tiny error.
I would recommend taking a screenshot (blank out your character name obviously) - then post it

You need to have the marker set, level range set that matches your character
and the right names of resources - otherwise it mines/gathers the first one in the list (I think)
the bot is not working at all today, is there a update?

well, i think its doing a update now actually

yeah not working at all

fates work, Mining does not
Mining works fine, your setup is wrong. Post screenshots of your marker setup, and gathering setup, along with what you are wanting to farm.