
Full Version: Crash randomly
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I would say it's between 1-3H my FFXIV randomly crashed. This just started happening recently when switching over the new Minionapp.

My enviromental setup and it's running as admin right :

Error message I got from the log : Launcher - Fatal - MinionLauncher.exe seems to be frozen!
it's in C:\MINIONAPP or on desktop, did not make any different.
The Game in windowed mode.
Event with WIN 8.1 fresh install w/out Antivirus and Windows Defender.
Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime
Microsoft Visual c++ 2010 redist x86
Microsoft Visual c++ 2012 redist x86
Microsoft Visual c++ 2013 redist x86
Microsoft .NET Framework

Any Idea how to fix it? Would love some feelback.
are you running a vpn or anything?
I don't used any VPN and firewall. If i leave FFXIV w/out Minion, i can run 24/7.