
Full Version: Updating old quest profiles
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I'm trying to update the old quest profiles following the instruction posted here

When i use the Dev to get quest information, it'll only display the "Current" quests i have active but not the quests that i've completed.

I've tried everything before posting here but couldnt get it to show. May be i missed something along the way? Thanks for your help.
That is the way it works, it only shows current quests.
Oh ok, thanks. guess i have to edit it along the way with 1 new char so my other chars can have a working profile.
or you can wait for the store to release the new stuff.
Yea, eventually i'll grab the paid profiles but for now I have about 12 chars sitting around need to have the quests done otherwise they're wasting sub time. The store will be here eventually but eventuality is tough one lol, 1 or 2 days are good but if it turns out to be 1 or 2 weeks, its not good for business. Gotta get dirty myself if I want it done rather than waiting around.

p.s. i'm still waiting for those profiles to be on sales hahaha ^_^