
Full Version: Sastasha (story mode)
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Hi guys, anyone got a working Sastasha story mode dungeon working? I even tried the new [Full] Sastasha that was posted on the forums few weeks ago, it did everything ok until the last boss. The boss won't come out, or maybe you have some ideas where SE changed it so i can update the duty profile hopefully? Thanks.
yup all the old profiles wont work after 3.0 SE changed alot of stuff. Sebbs has a complete duty profile package for all the MSQ dungeons 15-50. Just got to wait to see if it pops up in the store.
you need to stop you bots whenever there are cutscenes or it will break the profile. Usually this is only a problem on the first run
Thanks, i figured it out. It's not the cutscene, its something in the middle of the run that made the bot kinda skip 1 step resulted in the last Boss not spawning. Edited some pos and timing, it's working now.