
Full Version: "Generic" Gather Profiles
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Hey guys!

This is actually a 2 in 1 question, I'm making multiple profiles so far for each gather point, depending on the item i'd like to get, ie: Aurum Regis Sand and Abalathian Spring Water are on the same spots #60

i tried to put the item#1 ans item#2 as variables at the start of the obj1 instance, but i failed, i'm not used to LUA coding, and i certainly miss something here, how can i factorize those? So i can share them and people would just adjust the item they want to gather (would be easier to share 1 file that members can copy/past and modifying 1 variable than share 2 or 3 files that only differ by the item name )

Second question, little more tricky, and not yet available i guess, but would it be possible to change profile depending on the items available on the spot, and also from the GP available?

for example, same spot i told before Eventide Jade can also pop, would be nice to have a gather profile that say:

if Jade is available AND GP > 600:
then use collectible profile and gather Jade
else gather the other item in list.

could be used for temp gather points also.

Thanks for reading me :)