
Full Version: Pet skills issue
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Looks like target system a bit broken for pets after one of last patches.

Example skill - Contagion from SMN garuda. Minion don't use it no matter what "skill target" we choose. Even if create test profile with only one Contagion without any buff checks and other.

OffGCD skill false\true\auto - not affected.
Action type\Skill type - same
Combat status - same
any other - same :/
Did you try to run debugging on the skill to see if it spits anything back as to why?
Yeah. Just spam [attachment]
I can post the same log as idurus, but also experiencing the same problem with pets unable to use abilities.
I think I know the problem, let me see if I can update this without mixing in some testing stuff I have going on..

Edit: Possible fix is added, I can't fully test until later.
works fine now.