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Anyone else on US servers crashing on start up after last nights maintenance ?
there was a Maintenance? I woke up an dmy bots are still running. They must of relaunched once the servers came back up?
yah, they shut the servers down at 10 PM last night and brought them up around two .. maybe it's just me ..

I am noticing a crash from FFXIV with no error messages, just a silent CtD since the maintenance while running the bot.
I am also having bot crash right after after attaching since maintance.

I checked the log and recieved:

37 Lauching new instance for account xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
40 Finished startup sequence for account , received PID xxxxxxxx.
45 Killing Process: System.ArgumentException: Process with an Id of -1073741819 is not running.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId, String machineName)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId)
at MINIONAPP.ViewModels.LauncherViewModel.KillProcess(UInt32 pid)
They should just scrap the silly attach method for having multiple accounts under one user name. Ive been crashing using this method since day one of releasing the new launcher. Sometimes it takes me 5-6 times to even attach my character with all the crashes. I missed it where we could make profiles under one user login.
(12-27-2015, 09:13 PM)Kiljaedon Wrote: [ -> ]They should just scrap the silly attach method for having multiple accounts under one user name. Ive been crashing using this method since day one of releasing the new launcher. Sometimes it takes me 5-6 times to even attach my character with all the crashes. I missed it where we could make profiles under one user login.

if you are crashing its because something on "YOUR" system is causing an issue, either 3rd party program, something with overlays, something interfering. You can also try attach method compatable. This new launcher is extremely better then the old launcher by leaps and bounds.
The last ffxiv update did not have a client update, meaning the bot didn't have to update either.