
Full Version: Sting [Dragoon][Combat Routine]
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Please Update.
update what?
Sting does not want to start anymore, can not start a fight or other (same procedure as for the other classes but there does launch) already delete and reinstall to see but nothing ^^
Make sure you have the correct version for your region selected.
morning! Cant get sting to work
the console keeps coming up with

failed with
?:0: attempt to index global 'ACR_StingSB_TempVars' (a nil value)

Make sure you have the correct version for your region selected.
(10-29-2017, 12:04 PM)jonathonjames89 Wrote: [ -> ]Make sure you have the correct version for your region selected.

I'm from aussie land. i have my minion settings as NAEU. is that was you're talking about?
no - make sure in ACR you select the correct profile as there are a few - you need StingSB
does this show where to position for the next skill?
yes it does
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