
Full Version: Help with a profile
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I'm trying to make a profile for gathering, for the minion to gather Lumythrite Ore ,Crystallized Sap and Meteorite.. he does get the Lumythrite Ore and Crystallized Sap, but when its time for the Meteorite, he goes to sea of clouds and flies to somewhere and stays there floating ... and then doesn't go again for the next tasks... 

Here's the code: (yes, meteorite is commented out so I could still run it for now until I find out what to do)
local obj1 = {
    ["setup"] = {
        ["gearsetmining"] = 20;
        ["gearsetbotany"] = 13;
    ["tasks"] = {        
        [1] = {  -- Lumythrite Ore - 03AM-04AM - Churning Mists (Zenith)
            ["minlevel"] = 59;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 400;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["pos"] = {    
                -- -823.26 | 262.25 | -126.76 | -1.85
                ["x"] = -823.26;
                ["y"] = 262.25;
                ["z"] = -126.76;
                ["h"] = -1.85;
            ["mingp"] = 600;
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["item1"] = "Lumythrite Ore";
            ["skillprofile"] = "Tekz Blessed Harvest";
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 02;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 04;
            ["gatherrares"] = false;
            ["gatherspecialrares"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["usecordials"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["timeout"] = 750;    
            ["lowpriority"] = true;
            ["maxtime"] = 2500;
        [2] = {  --   Crystallized Sap - Churning Mists @ 3PM-4PM
            ["minlevel"] = 59;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 400;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["pos"] = {    
                -- -737.25 | 257.71 | -673.70 | 0.85
                ["x"] = -737.25;
                ["y"] = 257.71;
                ["z"] = -673.70;
                ["h"] = 0.85;
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["item1"] = "Crystallized Sap";
            ["skillprofile"] = "Tekz Blessed Harvest";
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 14;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 16;
            ["gatherrares"] = false;
            ["gatherspecialrares"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["usecordials"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["lowpriority"] = true;
            ["maxtime"] = 2500;
            ["timeout"] = 750;            
        --[[[3] = {  -- Meteorite - 01AM-02AM - Sea of Clouds
            ["minlevel"] = 59;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 401;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["pos"] = {    
                -- -727.23 | -11.62 | -467.38 | 0.54
                ["x"] = -727.23;
                ["y"] = -11.62;
                ["z"] = -467.38;
                ["h"] = 0.54;
            ["mingp"] = 600;
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["item1"] = "Meteorite";
            ["skillprofile"] = "Tekz Blessed Harvest";
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 00;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 02;
            ["gatherrares"] = false;
            ["gatherspecialrares"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["usecordials"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["timeout"] = 750;    
            ["lowpriority"] = true;
            ["maxtime"] = 2500;
return obj1

Am I doing the coordinates wrongly..? or something x_x 

Thank you in advance~
["eorzeaminhour"] = 00;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 02;
Change to 0 and 2.
Also you don't need "h" pos for these.
So it should be

["eorzeaminhour"] = 0;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 2;

??? o: I'll try it like that, thanks!