Also asking for Black Desert Online.
Bless Online is out. Will you be releasing a bot for it? I'm interested in one.
After receiving a perm ban in BDO for hacking. Id love a normal navmesh bot in that game. Not quite ready to quit and i think a bot that looks more like a player than a hacker would be the way to go.
(04-15-2018, 08:29 AM)JuJuBoSc Wrote: [ -> ]Hello fellow Minions,
I'm wondering what do you guys here play or plan to play in the future ?
Please don't tell me Fortnite or I'm going to make an heart attack, I can't handle the battle royale anymore :D
I'd rather "playing" a MMO or that kind of game where I can have fun writting third party tools for, I'm not much into FPS hacking as it's really boring to me.
Come back to GW2 :) PvP Scenery needs you :).... quite a few people I know are taking up deving gw2 :).
If you don't like gw2 I would recommend going to Fortnite?...... JK not a fan of it... PUBG.... no...... on a serious note World of Warcraft has lots of people playing and the bot detection on there is now pretty top notch so it'd be a nice challenge...
Tera might be another one to look at too
Just started playing Maplestory 2 would be awesome if you guys worked on coding a bot for it.... There is already a Lua bot framework for it :)..
Would love to see a bot for Warframe, Path of Exile or MTG Arena
Developing a bot for WoW was what killed Bossland's 'business'. With Warden in place, you may as well play WoW legit or not bother at all, because your account *will* be banned.
I'd like to see one for ESO.
We had one for ESO. High ban rate iirc.