
Full Version: Using IF Function for GP Profile
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I would like my gathering profile to use 'Skill profile 'A'' if I have >600GP and 'Skill Profile B' if I have <600GP;

It currently looks like:

Quote:[1] = {  -- Levin Mint @ 8PM-12AM (botanist / Kholusia 13, 13) 
["mapid"] = 814;
["radius"] = 300;
["pos"] = {
["x"] = -352.01;
["y"] = 377.17;
["z"] = -403.368;
["h"] = 1.82;
["type"] = "botany";
["item1"] = "Levin Mint";
["mingp"] = 600;
["eorzeaminhour"] = 20;
["eorzeamaxhour"] = 0;
["skillprofile"] = "[ROT] Collector 600GP - V2";
["gatherrares"] = false;
["gatherspecialrares"] = false;
["gathermaps"] = false;
["gathergardening"] = false;
["usecordials"] = true;
["lowpriority"] = true;
["timeout"] = 750;
["unspoiled"] = true;
["dangerousarea"] = true;
["usestealth"] = true;
["collectables"] = {
["Levin Mint"] = 500;

At the moment, for Ephemeral Nodes, my character stands at node until my GP hits 600 - I'd like it to use a zero GP rotation when I have less than 600 GP....

Any help would be appreciated!

Set min gp to 0.
And set your skill profile to do rotations.