
Full Version: mesh (for gathering) suggestions
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Ive been using this bot to gather and ive run into a few problems that i would like to point out and i would like to make some suggestions for improving the mesh manager.

problem 1: mesh wont go up steep inclines. This makes many gather points impossible to reach.

problem 2: Mesh is stopped by over-hangs. There are some areas (such as in Southern Thalnan, Sagolii Desert, 24 X, 40 Y - Where you find Mythril Ore) where there is an overhand above walkable space that refuses to record into the mesh.

problem 3: in some areas it will walk right up to a node, but be one step away and stop moving and refuse to collect, when attended this is not bad because you can tap W and it will hit the node and start gathering, however when unattended it will just stand there forever (or however long the gather manager has nearest marker set to).

Problem 4: there are a few places where you get tripped up on things and get completely stuck until user manually moves.

problem 5: for some situations the default mesh recording area size is too large. Ex. in areas with aggro mobs there are often paths you can take that will never trigger aggro (or almost never) but because of the size of the record area the bot sometimes goes too far over and will get aggro. the stealth option is one way of handling this, however stealth slows you down and will result in a lower gather rate.

Suggestion 1: (concerning problem 3) It cant hurt to put in an option to make the bot just hit W one extra time when facing a node.

Suggestion 2: (concerning problem 4) make a removal record option to allow users to remove undesired areas.

Suggestion 3: (concerning problem 5) include a + / - size option to change recording area size. (would be useful with suggestion 2 as well)

suggestion 4: Although not concerning a "problem" i believe that it would e beneficial to add a record jump-area option. There are many areas where the current system requires the bot to run around large areas when it would be much quicker, and look more like human action. (one area that this would benefit is Southern Thalnan, Sagolii Desert, 24 X, 40 Y - Where you find Mythril Ore)

suggestion 5: (concerning unreachable nodes) an option in the mesh recording process allowing you to forcefully add the place you are standing into the mesh. users could take a step click add, take a step, click add, and keep going making a path until they reach the node. this could also be a possible solution to (PROBLEM 3).
I agree if we could undo or delete the undesired areas.
i sometime run into a wall with a node behind it and it constantly jump until i manually move my char around that wall/object.

for your first and second problems about mesh not recording on hills or around the node. You hold Ctrl while recording and it force record that area, even on top of hill. problem solved? =)
You can solve a lot of the meshing problems you're having by holding down CTRL while walking over the area you want to mesh that it doesn't do normally.

An undo would be awesome. The number of times I've had to redo a whole mesh just because something messed up just as I Was about to finish is excruciating.
well dont i feel stupid... i thought i read through the whole mesh tut... i guess i missed the holding ctrl part... thank you for pointing it out tho, it does help
Also, would help if he would save in standard obj format, then we could fix holes ect in maya, blender, or 3d studio max.