
Full Version: some feedback for gathering
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few features that could be built in :
1. when using teleport hack it should have option to not use it when the players are on your nav mesh and when they are gone use it again and ingore the ones witch are over 1h on you mesh (other bots)

2. Easy mesh switcher can be implement by using marks. in Easter Thanalan where there is 4 different places to mine. i was thing of making like big mesh to cover them all and put 4 marks next to mining spots and make bot cycle thru them so we not farming in one spot, or even cover all the mining spot with mesh and make bot tp thru all of them.
#2 already's exactly why the marker system was implemented in the first place :)
Or make it like this.
Since we have Radar, built in on the bot, let's make use of it. For example if within certain radius there are no players around, teleport if not don't teleport.
we'll leave the teleport stuff for other lua addons for now. It will only get you banned anyways.
oh ye i didn’t notice that option
well so now it will be great to create switcher between maps :D so we don’t farm just one kid of shards :D