
Full Version: fate grind future status confirmation
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using the bot to FATE grind but still have some problems really need to be solve before the bot can really benefit from fates.

1. the bot currently is not working or not working well in item collecting fates
2. escort fates makes the bot too bot-ish as in it will stand there and wait for the fate radius to move further only it will walk into it. during the walking process, the bot will walk, stop and walk again until it reaches to the fate radius.
3. As everyone confirmed that FATE bosses with adds is not working fine right now
4. level sync not able in the bot

so my question, will these all mention above issue consider as a fix for the future minion bot? and if possible, can the bot detect the type of the fates? such as item collection, boss fate and escort fate etc? i would like to have my bot to participate only certain types of fate if possible. further more, i would like to know how can i setup FLASH skill on melee character to use in fates...i tried with the skill manager by adding flash into it.. condition set to 2 monster above and max range not working as well