
Full Version: DoTs not working properly
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Has anyone else's DoT's not working properly? In the past it'll put up the DoT if your DoT isn't on the boss even though someone else had applied the same DoT on the boss.

For example, partying with another bard he puts windbite up. My bot used to always put windbite up regardless of his DoT ID. Now whenever whatever I'm fighting already has windbite applied by another bard my bot completely doesn't put windbite up.

I guess the other windbite id is now messing with it? Please fix this. Botting on both my scholar and summoner is such a pain now cause the other will not apply their DoT if one of their's is up or someone else already applied the DoT onto the target.
this does not happen with me at all... i run 2 bard sch smn now in my WP farm group and they are all putting their dots up just fine.

are you using any other mods?
DoTs definitely work, can you post your the skillmanagerprofile you're having problems with?
There is a bug in certain occasions regarding this, it has been fixed and will be out soon.
Thanks Powder