
Full Version: Add deleted markers again ?
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i deleted some mesh Markers by mistake. so i miss for ex. the Mining lv 20 markers at Central Talahan. How i can re-add them into my loaded mesh ?

Plz...anyone can help me plz ?
Walk up to the area where you want your marker...

Open the Mesh manager,
Make sure you're on the Right Mesh,
Click on the Marker triangle,
Selected Marker = None
Marker Name = Type Your Marker Name Here
Set Min And Max Levels (usually 10-15 levels apart) ex- Min Lvl 20 and Max Lvl30
Click on Add ***** Marker

***** Being Grind, Fishing, Mining, Botany or Nav depending on what type of marker you want it to be.

*Note if its a Fishing marker put the marker on the Spot you want to cast from.

Once this is Done your New marker will Appear in your Gather Manager if it is a mining, botany or fishing marker.
I guess you could also delete the .info file and it should be downloaded on update (from what I understood the .info file doesn't get overwritten, but I think if there isn't one, it wll be downloaded)