
Full Version: Constant gathering stuck
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Hi, I have a problem, I browsed through the opened threads and I didn't see something similar ... Weird, I'm getting this on all of my accs.

Sometimes the gathering window will remain opened after the bot finishes to gather the items. When that happens , my toon will get stuck there, I'm unable to move or to teleport . (I can teleport on map with ctrl shift click, but after I can't move). I can /tell, or add friends into my list.
Unless I close and reopen the game there's not much I can do about it.
I noticed that it usually happening when my GP is between 10-18 (right after using an ability). This has been happening for the past 2 weeks.
I attached a picture.
Also, next time this happens I will take a picture of the log.
eq: just started a bot. It worked for about 10 minutes and > stuck
Added some screenshots with the logs.
um pulse time 1000???? default is 150 put it back to 150
Thanks for the tip Jackie but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I just checked all my of bots. and pulse is set on 150
when you press enable log, the bot changes pulse time to 1000.
Any other Ideas? If my vpn lasts overnight I end up with 70% working bots. The rest are stuck with that gathering window
also this doesn't seem to be a vpn issue since I'm encountering it also on accs that are directly on provider's internet.
can i see a picture of your gathering settings mesh settings and a picture of the mesh area and marker.
Ok, I just started them, and I will take a screenshot on the first bot that gets stuck
From what I can remember this started to happen about 2-3 weeks ago after a big ffxiv minion patch
Until then I was able to bot 24/7 without having to watch the bots
I'm using 6 different meshes with road from town and 1 marker. I had problems running messes with multiple markers (spots)

. 1 got stuck, Within 5 minutes of starting the bot.
screens in that link
e2: 2 more stuck. they are going down like flies
it has nothing to do with the navmesh, as you can see the gather screen is still open, i don't even a gathering node nearby. So it trying to cast one of your skill and can't. Do you have any third party addons installed ?
ya thats odd thats the first time ive seen the mining window stay open after the node has been used up.
Only Ymko's toolbox for auto repair
I've been away for 2 days and now I just tried gathering and normal grinding. Both seems to get stuck within 5 minutes of starting them.
picture here :

If I press reload all, the bot will start working again, he will gather 2 -3 nodes and stop again.
From modules all I have is Ymko's toolbox for auto repair.
I tested this on multiple computers, different meshes. the same
Trying now a clean install of mmominion... I've been dl-ing it for the last 30 minutes :(
as settings for gathering I have ignore node's level, and gather maps
e2 : just did a fresh install without any modules . same thing. added pictures as well with the full log
The node is near him and the logs sais : getnearestgatherable ()failed with no entity found matching params . If I move the bot a bit, he will come back to the same spot

Fate grind seems to work.
on normal grind , the bot stops and is watching the mobs. if I will move him a bit he will start to attack them
any update on this? grinding and gathering are unusable
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