
Full Version: How do I make use of Jackies waypoint dropbox?
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Hi, I was wondering what these are used for and what folder should I place them in? I've been browsing the forums and couldn't find the answer.
(11-15-2014, 05:22 AM)Zale00 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I was wondering what these are used for and what folder should I place them in? I've been browsing the forums and couldn't find the answer.

What are they for again?
(11-15-2014, 11:24 AM)Leon Wrote: [ -> ]What are they for again?

pre saved waypoints to items mobs or loot etc
list of waypoints of intrest in every zone in the game.
How do I make use of them ingame? Which mode do they function under?

Teleporter module, under the "LuaMods" option in the menu bar.