Speed Hack working? - Printable Version

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Speed Hack working? - drewlt - 12-04-2014

So I've been searching the forum and wiki for days before making a new post.

Trying to figure out a speed hack - what I've done so far:
  • Shortcut Manager LUA, Speed Hack dropdown, try different modifier keys and shortcut keys
  • My own LUA module from example - add in Player:SetSpeed() to either single button press or recurring loop
  • Looked through existing LUA modules for guidance

It doesn't seem to be working from anywhere - is Player:SetSpeed() still functional?
Under the Dev LUA module I see the movement speed values and they do not change.
When I use mmolazy/lasta I do see the movement speed values change (and speed hack works there).

Thanks for a great product - I'm having fun building with it.


RE: Speed Hack working? - Ace - 12-04-2014

This is an excerpt from my old addon that enabled it.
I don't know if it is still working. It only ever worked in a given direction, and never during combat.

if ( gMoveHack == "SpeedHack" and not Player.incombat and not MeshManager:IsKeyPressed(016)) then
            if ( MeshManager:IsKeyPressed(017) ) then
                if ( Player.ismounted and currentSpeed ~= 18 ) then
                    Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.FORWARD, 18)
                    currentSpeed = 15
                elseif ( not Player.ismounted and currentSpeed ~= 12) then
                    Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.FORWARD, 12)
                    currentSpeed = 12
                if ( Player.ismounted and currentSpeed ~= 9) then
                    Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.FORWARD, 9)
                    currentSpeed = 9
                elseif ( not Player.ismounted and currentSpeed ~= 6 ) then
                    Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.FORWARD, 6)
                    currentSpeed = 6

RE: Speed Hack working? - drewlt - 12-05-2014

Yep, seems to not be working.
Any chance you could test this out?

Feels like I must be missing something...

Code here and attached for easy install.





-- Create a new table for our code:
mymodule= { }

-- Some local variables we use in our module:
mymodule.running = false
mymodule.lastticks = 0
mymodule.counter = 0
mymodule.windowName = "SpeedHackTest"

-- Initializing function
function mymodule.ModuleInit()
    -- From devmonitor.lua
    GUI_NewField(mymodule.windowName,"Moves Forward","mimovf","MovementInfo")
    GUI_NewField(mymodule.windowName,"Moves Backward","mimovb","MovementInfo")
    GUI_NewField(mymodule.windowName,"Moves Left","mimovl","MovementInfo")
    GUI_NewField(mymodule.windowName,"Moves Right","mimovr","MovementInfo")
    GUI_UnFoldGroup    (mymodule.windowName,"MovementInfo")

-- The function that gets called when the button is pressed:
function mymodule.ToggleRun()
    mymodule.running = not mymodule.running

-- The Mainloop function, gets called all the time by FFXIVMinion:
function mymodule.OnUpdateHandler( Event, ticks )
    if ( mymodule.running and ticks - mymodule.lastticks > 500 ) then
        mymodule.lastticks = ticks
        -- continually log changing var so you see it working
        mymodule.counter = mymodule.counter + 1
        countergui = mymodule.counter
        -- From devmonitor.lua
        mimov = tostring(Player:IsMoving())
        mimovf = tostring(Player:IsMoving(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.FORWARD)).."   ("..tostring(Player:GetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.FORWARD))..")"
        mimovb = tostring(Player:IsMoving(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.BACKWARD)).."   ("..tostring(Player:GetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.BACKWARD))..")"
        mimovl = tostring(Player:IsMoving(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.LEFT)).."   ("..tostring(Player:GetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.LEFT))..")"
        mimovr = tostring(Player:IsMoving(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.RIGHT)).."   ("..tostring(Player:GetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.RIGHT))..")"

        -- Set player speed to 12 - THIS IS NOT WORKING
        Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.FORWARD, 12)
        Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.BACKWARD, 12)
        Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.STRAFELEFT, 12)
        Player:SetSpeed(FFXIV.MOVEMENT.STRAFERIGHT, 12)

-- Registering the Events
RegisterEventHandler("Gameloop.Update",mymodule.OnUpdateHandler) -- the normal pulse from the gameloop
RegisterEventHandler("MYMODULE.TOGGLE", mymodule.ToggleRun) -- the function that gets called when our button is pressed
RegisterEventHandler("Module.Initalize",mymodule.ModuleInit) -- the initialization function, gets called only once at startup of the game

RE: Speed Hack working? - Ace - 12-05-2014

It's very possible that those functions simply weren't fixed during the last patch. They have never worked well to begin with.

RE: Speed Hack working? - drewlt - 12-05-2014

Bummer, so it sounds like some functions may work and some may not - it's hit or miss each patch?

RE: Speed Hack working? - Ace - 12-05-2014

No, you're doing a little too much extrapolating there. This is one of those 1% things.
SetSpeed is just one of those functions that has seldom been used, so when the post-patch QA testing was done, nobody had a reason to look at it.

I'll forward on a ticket for the guys to look at it.

RE: Speed Hack working? - HansW - 12-05-2014

I think the client changed in the last big update. Those functions won't work anymore and they won't be fixed.

RE: Speed Hack working? - drewlt - 12-05-2014

I appreciate any looking into it.

Glad I can help support such a great product.
