Adding an Assist Mode, having an issue. - Printable Version

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Adding an Assist Mode, having an issue. - Ace - 12-04-2013

So, I added an additional "Fates" mode to the main GUI, with the goal being able to set Assist mode to prioritize/autoattack fate mobs or ones that are attacking me to stay alive. Since I'm self controlling, and I'll only be in one fate at a time, I don't care which fate the mob belongs to, only that it isn't 0. I can't find anything on this but I'm guessing that EntityList doesn't support negative versions of "=" like "fateid~=0" since my filter doesn't seem to work properly.

The code I have so far is:
elseif ( gAssistMode == "Fates" ) then    
        d("Fate mode detected")
        local el = EntityList("lowesthealth,targetingme,alive,attackable,fateid~=0,maxdistance="..tostring(ml_global_information.AttackRange))
        if ( el ) then
            local i,e = next(el)
            if (i~=nil and e~=nil) then
        d("Target is lowest health in fate, targetingme.")
                target = e
            el = EntityList("lowesthealth,targetingme,alive,attackable,maxdistance="..tostring(ml_global_information.AttackRange))
            if ( el ) then
                local i,e = next(el)
                if (i~=nil and e~=nil) then
                    d("Target is lowest health targetingme.")
                    target = e
                el = EntityList("nearest,alive,attackable,fateid~=nil,maxdistance="..tostring(ml_global_information.AttackRange))
                if ( el ) then
                    local i,e = next(el)
                    if (i~=nil and e~=nil) then
                        d("Target is lowest health in fate.")
                        target = e

My goal is to have the EntityList step-down from most acceptable to least acceptable targets, with the order being:
1) Lowest health, fate mobs targeting me.
2) Lowest health, mob targeting me.
3) Lowest health, fate mob.

I have the conditional fate~=0 in the EntityList for the first and last conditional however the only problem is that absolutely anything I click on qualifies into the first block for some reason so it's obviously not filtering like I expect. I have several debugs set up so that I could catch which conditional block it falls into and its always the first one.

Do I need to explicitly give it a fateid = <current fate I'm participating in>?
If so, is there a quick way I can do this?

Maybe there's something I'm missing.


I ended up changing the code to check it after the fact in the EntityList:
elseif ( gAssistMode == "Fates" ) then    
        d("Fate mode detected")
        local el = EntityList("lowesthealth,alive,attackable,maxdistance="..tostring(ml_global_information.AttackRange))
        if ( el ) then
            local i,e = next(el)
            if (i~=nil and e~=nil) then
                if (e.fateid~=0 and e.targetingme) then
                    d("Target is lowest health in fate, targetingme.")
                    target = e
                elseif (e.targetingme) then
                    d("Target is targeting me, so fight back.")
                    target = e
                elseif (e.fateid~=0) then
                    d("Target is in FATE, kill it.")
                    target = e

I don't know that this approach is optimal but it seems to work well.