Husbando Max's Trust System
Fully automate the new Trust system to safely run dungeons with the NPC's of your choice!
(Preview Video Below)- Grind Gear for for classes, spiritbinding or GC scrips.
- Level any class reliably.
- Farm Minions for gil.
- Level your trust NPC's for achievements.
- Farm Tomestones.
The Addon provides you with the follow features you can choose to help you with your needs:
- Auto Dungeon selecting based on your Level and NPC's levels to get optimal XP.
- Rest Settings to help you feel a little safer taking breaks.
- NPC selection Settings to pick your favorite team.
- Looting Settings to only collect the chests that you want.
- Job Manager to select level ranges and jobs to auto switch to per level you set.
The Addon currently supports the follow Dungeons:
71 - Holminster Switch
73 - Dohn Mheg
75 - The Qitana Ravel
77 - Malikah's Well
80 - Amaurot
80 - The Grand Cosmos
(More coming over the week)
Full Addon Wiki:
Click Here
The video below is a preview of the smooth and reliable logic for the dungeons.
And as always full support in improvements and feature requests

This addon works great.
71 and 73 trusts were used to level multiple jobs to 80, yet I have not had a single death.
Enhancements are added and the dev is very communicative of his/her sleep schedule (and often his progress)
It's amazing to see how well it works.
This thing get's it done for sure! Handle's mechanics like a pro and issues get fixed asap. Must have for your collection!
4h into the Shadowbringers Addon you can start running TRUST.
My selling points are:
+ Safe. No bans to this point.
+ Can farm all tomestones at Lv. 80 (in the Lv. 80 Dungeon)
+ The easiest and fastest method to level all your combat jobs Lv.71+
++ Only 1 (one) account needed. You can run it solo. No need to look for other people.
+ Has it's own avoidance logic (doesn't follow NPC to evade, because this causes delay and you might get hit)
+ Can switch jobs automatically, when a job reaches Lv. 80 to some lower job and continue
One of the best addons this addon.
Used the trial and loved it. Purchased it right away.
Looking forward to the rest of the dungeons!
This addon is incredible, just like the rest of HusbandoMax's addons.
The support provided in their discord is great and newb friendly.
Very fast response time; I honestly think HusbandoMax doesn't sleep.
New to the bot and was a little overwhelmed with all of the addons, found this one and gave it a shot. No regrets and has worked really well for me and the discord server was able to help me out with my new player questions. Would recommend.
Hands down one of the best purchases on the store. Everything HusbandoMax touches is gold, it works flawlessly.
As mentioned, the Discord community is incredible, and HusbandoMax doesn't sleep and keeps the community informed constantly.
In short, this is great, HusbandoMax is great. Don't hesitate to try and/or buy.
Husbando does it again! Great add on, fast clear, just awesome all around.
Got my Amaro mount already on one of my accounts with this.