(08-02-2019, 10:26 PM)TheHumanClone Wrote: [ -> ]In reference to the MCH What is the difference between Weave 1 / Weave 2 , aswell as what does the /destroy/ toggle do?
Something you should ask in the ACR section.
sorry i'm a total noob. and doesn't know how to operate the mmominion system that much. but when i installed husbando tools for, gold saucer, and trust, my ffxivminion quest option won't work or let me start. had to uninstall it. can anyone help?
(08-06-2019, 04:43 AM)JNYMDN Wrote: [ -> ]sorry i'm a total noob. and doesn't know how to operate the mmominion system that much. but when i installed husbando tools for, gold saucer, and trust, my ffxivminion quest option won't work or let me start. had to uninstall it. can anyone help?
It would be better if you go on Husbandos discord and ask the question there. Better with some screenshots etc so they can see what your problem really is.
This addon is amazing. Once you hit level 71 on any class just do trusts. The amount of EXP i was getting was absurd. I believe they buff experience gained and I could tell!
Great addon, glad I bought it.
How is Mt. Gulg going? I'd love to run it for gear by myself. Thanks again for the great addon.
My Review:
First off I need to cover the obvious question you might have. "Is this easy to use?"
If you've bought one of Madao's addons you understand the meaning of frustration. The short answer here is so long as you have these dungeons unlocked, and have a proper ilevel, you just push the button and it goes hands-free. That's it, finished. Flawlessly.
Here's what it does:
Holminister Switch
Dohn Mheg
the Qitana Ravel
Milikah's Well
You can easily move from one instance to the next every third level and all the way to 80 with almost no problems. Each dungeon will earn you green items to gear you for the next one, so there is no need for buying the overpriced Market Board equipment.
There is a Job Manager built right in here so you can manage all your gear sets in a simple popup window. Additionally there is an NPC manager for your allies, you can choose your trust setup from this window. Other features include options for randomizing your trust dungeons, loot management, and auto equipping new gear. (Make sure you have armory chest space!
What's the purpose after all jobs reach 80?
You can grind tomes! Inside of Amaurot you earn both types of the tomes available, and typically I will run the addon for 6 hours while I sleep, and it caps weekly tomes by the time I wake and the hassle of roulette is forever gone.
Is it affordable?
ABSOLUTELY. Considering your alternative is Revolt, which at this time is riddled with problems, and Trusts at a fraction of the price this is your absolute best choice. Most of us don't run entire teams to make use out of the rest of Revolt, maybe the Gil farmers, but not us normal schlubs.
My final rating: Puts Revolt Engine to shame. 10/10, buy it yesterday.
I have to say I LOVE this addon. I'm on board with everyone that says very few deaths, the only one I've noticed that is common (which is still maybe 1 death out of 10 runs) is on the second boss when he puts the markers over your head, 1 - 4 orbs. Sometimes it auto paths you in the line of his charge/attack so you get hit not only when the trust he is going to does, but you then get hit when your turn comes up. It sucks but like I said, it doesn't happen often enough to complain about honestly, I'm happy with it.

any prog on the Mt. Gulg for trust? I really would like to farm some sets of there and maybe level up faster on level 79.