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Unspoiled Nodes - Travelling to HW Maps
So I'm pretty happy now with the unspoiled nodes setup and got a nice little routine going. I wanted to include yellow copper ore into my list of locations and created the necessary marker on the Western Highlands map.

Now I know that mining and gathering are not really "ready" for HW areas due to the distance between nodes. But even if the bot discovers a node within range of my marker once in a while it's still worth it.

So, added a marker, added a location, let the bot do it's thing. However I found that when the allotted time comes the bot fails to travel to the Western Highlands map... Checked the console and an error message stating something along the lines of "invalid location".

Oddly if I manually travel to the map and activate the bot it will travel to the marker and harvest the unspoiled node! For reference the bot was on the Coerthas Central Highlands map (just finished harvesting Astral Rock) when trying to travel to Western Highlands.

Obviously you got your hands full with flying et. al. guys but thought I'd report this! The workaround for now? Simply don't harvest unspoiled locations on HW maps!

P.S. Out of curiosity will the flying update also include a way we can harvest unspoiled nodes in HW maps effectively? Or do I need to do something funky like setup 2-3 markers which are spread out across all the nodes and have locations which make the bot move every minute after the node spawns so it can be scanned?

Sorry for all the questions! :(
My first guess would be that you have the wrong map ID set in the Location . I am not sure what the Map number is for CCW, but if you open up the location, make note of the Map ID.

Create a new location in CCW just to test and see what the Map number is, if it is the same, then I'm not sure what it could be.

[Image: Capture.jpg]

I had this same problem once before and that is what my issue was.

I went ahead and looked and the Map number is 397

You have to make sure to never open a location or edit the marker when you are not in the zone or it can mess it up.
Ah-ha! Yeah I think that must have been what happened... Left the Locations window up from the last map, travelled to CCW and created the new location.

Thanks for the tip Jessix! Will make sure to close and reopen the location window now.
Glad that worked for you :)
Jessix (or anyone really) - Could you let me know how you have your unspoiled marker setup on Coerthas Western Highlands and other HW maps?

Do you have a couple of markers spread across the different Yellow Stone Ore nodes and then have one set as a location with a time of 12, then the other as a location with a time of 1201-1202? I haven't been able to experiment with this yet and was wondering how people were handling the distance between nodes... :D

Or do you just setup one and hope to get lucky with the node spawn?

Appreciate your thoughts!
I don't have any setup for HW yet. I haven't wanted to set anything up until the flight behavior is done.

What I do is just farm one type of mat at a time. I just use the regular gathering mode and set up three or so markers in the possible spawn points and start it.

I haven't really done it very much though because my character keeps running around in circles basically until the node spawns. (Hopefully they will add the ability to start gathering mode based on Eorzean time, like they did with Fishing markers.)

For adamantite ore, you can create one marker to reach all possible spawns, so for that material you can stand in one spot and gather it every time it pops up. There may be other nodes that could be reachable from one marker too.

As far as the time goes, last I knew was that you could only set it in hour increments, so I don't know if you can do it in the way you are describing.

I finally got my "Of Dragons Deep" title, so I will have more time to work on other things, and I will see what I can do to see how I would set up HW unspoiled.
I'm also trying unspoiled gathering a bit, so does teleporting to the right location work? I made my own meshes, so for Western Coerthas I have map ID 397 and for Sea of Clouds 401. For me it doesn't port to the respective maps yet however... maybe I'm missing something?
Edit: When time for teleport comes, I get the message "attempt to index global "ffxiv_aetheryte_data" (a nil value), so I guess Aetheryte information is missing. However, that file probably shouldn't/can't be hand edited ;)
Another Edit: it works in one direction, port from W.Coerthas to Sea of clouds, but not back... weird ;)
i dont think with the bot right now that Unspoiled nodes is completely supported for HW.

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