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returning player - major changes here - having issues
so im back.  shame the bot still doesnt support the dx11 client nor full screen of any sort considering my new 1080's i wanna flex :P

compromise it is :P

anyways, so i start the launcher, add my key/game/info and press start.  starts up np - says the bot is attached.  Problem is - i see nada on my screen.   No indication of the bot anywhere other than the dx9 client it properly launches nix'ing my sli and thus slashing my framerate in half. 

is it hidden now behind some toggle/key?  I did read the install guide/tutorial which didnt have anything pertinent so i gave up to post here.

thanks guys!
A) awesome on the x64/dx11 version. Before I re registered i did a search and the only section i could see with something pertaining to that posted was in febrauary of this year and the reply to the individual was "no plans" so if that changed - rock on!

B) does it need to be windowed or is windowed(fullscreen) okay? Im 99% sure ive tried both to rule that out, but i figured id ask so i can rule it out going forward.

C) to be clear, im not a pleb.. Have been using/building pc's etc for 20 years or so now. Im sure you get these sorts of issues all the time for a plethora of reasons so i understand the response however.

As i mentinoed I did read the wiki. it is installed. It is linked to the x86 client which it does start. It does say its attached. I do run the dx9 client as per my post. I have all runtimes installed and some. windows defender is straight up removed from my pc and windows firewall is disabled at the software and service level as I run no firewall or antivirus. I have minion installed to a downloads/games/ffxiv stuff folder. Also my windows account is an admin account, I have UAC disabled completely from within the registry.

Anything im missing or does that cover it?

As i mentioned, ive ran this for a long time before without trouble so I dont know why im having an issue now, and I do apologize as this was unexpected. I'll put some more time in today and see if i cant figure it out until/if i get a more concise reply.

EDIT: just got it to work after uninstalling and reinstlaling, ONCE. Shut it down and restarted it again and it was gone again. Sigh. The initial time it worked i could see the bot indicating it was "on title screen" etc. Now it just says "bot is attached" and never deviates. Nothing in game again. Not sure what else to do.

EDIT2: I got it working again with an uninstall/reinstall and shutting down all my voice chat (mumble/discord etc). Not sure if it will continue working after a restart again - not willing to check right now lol. That being said, if i cant ge tit to work with the popular voice clients it may be a deal breaker. This is the most advanced bot out, thats not up for debate. The fact it potentially conflicts with such things whereas others do not, ya'll should look into as theyre very important to a lot of folks for a lot of reasons.

Course i could be way off base, may just be dumb luck that it started working again and have nothing to do with either of the aforementioned. Ill know more after i shut her down and restart i guess. More testing blecgh.
Well - looks like it was either voice chat (dont use overlays with them as i have an accessory display they run on) or displayfusion which is a real shame as I'll have to turn that on/off depending on whether or not im using minion but i'll live.

regardless after a restart of the pc its still working so ill re enable things one by one until it doesnt work again and hopefully that'll be that for now.

will psot back when i know for sure as to help ppl in the future.
Before you post any new Topic asking for help you must answer these questions. If your OP does Not have these questions answered we will not answer your question.

* What OS are you running?
* What AV is installed?(Antivirus)
* Where is the bot installed?(installed path)
* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed?
* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed?
* Did you follow the install instructions found HERE
* Are you running the bot as admin?
* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client?
*Are you running any Bot addons?

Finally when getting support dont do what you "THINK" is right or "IT WORKED BEFORE" we say these things because we know that they have been known issues in the past and it can creep up at any time. So follow instructions in the install guide, remove problematic software, and follow our instructions when getting support.

in the sticky at the top of the support thread
(10-16-2016, 03:21 PM)Cichard Wrote:  Before you post any new Topic asking for help you must answer these questions. If your OP does Not have these questions answered we will not answer your question.

* What OS are you running?
* What AV is installed?(Antivirus)
* Where is the bot installed?(installed path)
* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed?
* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed?
* Did you follow the install instructions found HERE
* Are you running the bot as admin?
* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client?
*Are you running any Bot addons?

Finally when getting support dont do what you "THINK" is right or "IT WORKED BEFORE" we say these things because we know that they have been known issues in the past and it can creep up at any time. So follow instructions in the install guide, remove problematic software, and follow our instructions when getting support.

in the sticky at the top of the support thread

well to be fair, the bot HAS changed dramatically so things that werent problematic before, could be now.  Also the fact that software ive ran for years, sometimes decades - which has never given issue wasnt looked at immediately due to it not even dawning on me.

That all being said, it turns out/turned out to be msi afterburner which is a shame as its how i monitor the goings on with my elaborate rig. Seems if i start it after the bot is loaded all is well in the world.  If i start it prior however the bot simply wont show up.  Dont ask me why, I dont use any of the overlay features.

afterburner does come bundled with rtss which is whats resonpsible for the overlay portion SO i hypothesize that if i were to remove that by itself, i'd be okay.   At this point I dont care enough to check.  Either way, add msi afterburner to the shortlist, a lot of people use it and it was the culprit for me, not teamviewer, not displayfusion (which i assume HAD to be it since it also hooks some draw calls for a few functions).

Thanks for the concise post - all is right in the world now (mostly)!

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