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kr duty....


windows app error event viewer

- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
  <Provider Name="Application Error" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-04-07T22:47:34.308914300Z" />
  <Security />
- <EventData>
  <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\FINAL FANTASY XIV - KOREA\game\ffxiv.exe</Data>
  <Data />
  <Data />

255 duty compelete -> In the 256th will crash after running skill
test os win7, win10 (x64)
os format - reinstall, same crash

not support kr?
Lasted more than a month this problem
Please answer some of my questions
(04-13-2016, 02:27 PM)fxfire Wrote:  So you run the bot nearly 12 hours, doing only duties... doing 255 duties, and then it crashes when it queues up for the next duty ?

yes only dutie, complete count only 255
It will crash in the 256th duty(no queues up, in dungeon crashes)
Set your "Stop Count" to 255. Once it stops after the 255th duty, check how much memory is being used by the ffxiv.exe in the Windows Task Manager, and report that number here.
After this, do a File > Reload Lua Modules, and then continue with duties, and see if it still crashes in the next 1.
(04-13-2016, 05:58 PM)Ace Wrote:  Set your "Stop Count" to 255.  Once it stops after the 255th duty, check how much memory is being used by the ffxiv.exe in the Windows Task Manager, and report that number here.
After this, do a File > Reload Lua Modules, and then continue with duties, and see if it still crashes in the next 1.

Look into integer over flow errors? Using a short to count the number of duties would over flow after 256. That would cause an error in the bot, and crash it. Just a guess, but something maybe to look into.
(04-13-2016, 07:13 PM)fxfire Wrote:  afaik that is just a lua variable, so no nothign that can overflow....but again I am not familiar with that code...

Hmm... Lua uses 64 bit numbers by default. (Which is a -very- big number), so it wouldn't be that.
max memory 800mb
255 stop, reload > start, same crash
256th in dungeon(next 1)

March 3 to 4 crash after update

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