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Gathering Issue.
Using Markers, Profiles or Gathering Quests custom tasks.  It will do to a node, open it and just stand there and not gather.  Started with the latest update pushed out to minion.

Stuck in a loop of

23:39:16> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.37 < 0.4)"
23:39:16> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:16> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:16> D = "LT_GATHER sending update to subtask MOVETOINTERACT"
23:39:16> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->Update()"
23:39:16> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:16> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->Process()"
23:39:16> D = "[MoveToInteract]: Interacting with target type [6]."
23:39:16> D = "task completed"
23:39:16> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->Update() returning"
23:39:16> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER sending update to subtask MOVETOINTERACT"
23:39:17> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:17> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->Process()"
23:39:17> D = "task completed"
23:39:17> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->Update() returning"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER sending update to subtask MOVETOINTERACT"
23:39:17> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "MOVETOINTERACT has succeeded"
23:39:17> D = "MOVETOINTERACT->DeleteSubTasks"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->DeleteSubTasks"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Process()"
23:39:17> D = "Gathering ability is not ready yet."
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Process()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Process()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Process()"
23:39:17> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->Process()"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->Process()"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->Update() returning"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->Update()"
23:39:18> D = "LT_GATHER->ProcessOverWatch()"

But if i click on the gatherable manually and grab it all, it will move to the next node and do the same thing.

The point that it fails is at

Line 679           if (not table.valid(thisNode) or not thisNode.cangather) then

table.valid(thisNode) returns true
thisNode.cangather returns false

im a level 60 botinist gathering from a lv50 mature tree, with water shards & water crystals.
going to temporarilly bypass the thisNode.cangather check.

update: bypassing the "thisNode.cangather" check, and its been running fine since.
weird thing i noticed today, looking at the radar, i can face the node, and on the radar the "mature tree" that normally is green turns grey, but it i look away from it by turning, on the radar it turns green again. look at it again and it turns grey.

walking backwards from the node once i get past 36m it no longer exhibits this. Walk a little closer, and it will start doing it.

I believe when it greyed out it is causing the "thisNode.cangather" to fail the if then check.
after the updates that were pushed today, issue still persists.

am i the only one having this problem? if so any advice on what im doing wrong
post your profile so someone can check it
(05-03-2017, 03:34 AM)sebbs Wrote:  post your profile so someone can check it

Using Gathering 1-60 Botany x64, Custom Task gathering Water Crystals (It also does it with a marker set, and with a custom .lua script)  But mainly i use the Gather 1-60 because of the simple drop down menu.
turn the node check backon
find out which node wont gather and post positional and mesh info on the node
(05-03-2017, 05:07 AM)sebbs Wrote:  turn the node check backon
find out which node wont gather and post positional and mesh info on the node

every node it comes across is the problem.  from a distance the node is green on the radar as soon as i get closer than 40m & i am facing its direction it greys out, on all of them.

i have lined up with one manually, and started walking backwards.  once i get 37m+ away from it it turns green, take a few steps forwards it does grey.  Zoom factor does change this distance slightly.  changing screen resolution does not.  I keep checking for updates (i assume it does a md5/crc check on the file to determine if a update is available) to make sure im up to date and dont have a corrupted file.

i've reinstalled the bot once already.

hell i'd be glad to have someone on the staff teamview me to make sure that im not crazy.

when i switch to 32bit everything runs flawlessly.
Have heard of anything like that EVER.....
(05-03-2017, 05:35 AM)sebbs Wrote:  Have heard of anything like that EVER.....

IKR!  i though something was corrupted so i downloaded minion & ffxiv all over again.  I have no clue whats up.  the only thing that i do that is against the recommended install procedure is i run the game at max quality settings (when on x64).  I have reduced it back down to minimum settings to test if that was the issue, but it didnt change.  I've tried reducing the resolution to a 1080p window (i game at 4k), but no change.  I have minion and ffxiv folders whitelisted in the MS defender options.  I have removed steam/teamviewer/anydesk from starting when booting, and only manually start them when i need to use them.  

Im treating this as "i musta done something wrong" but for the life of me i cant find what.  Because no one else is reporting anything even remotely similar.

I guess last resort is i keep running with the node check disabled, until ffxiv patches again, and minion gets updated and pray to god it works itself out.

on the bright side, i'm learning alot about .LUA and how minion works.
Latest batch of updates pushed out by minion has resolved the issues. thank you

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