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x64 Bot Hang-Up/Idle
Hello All,

I posted something in regards to this in Sebbs 1-50 All Class topic, he mentioned I should bring it here.

* What OS are you running?   Win 10 Pro
* What AV is installed?(Antivirus)    Defender (folder is excluded)
* Where is the bot installed?(installed path)    C:\MINIONAPP
* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed?    Defender
* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed?    No (Nvidia Exp installed, but turned off sharing and overlays)
* Did you follow the install instructions found HERE    Yes
* Are you running the bot as admin?    Yes
* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client?    minionapp launches and attaches auto
*Are you running any Bot addons?   Sebbs Full Class Pack

Issue: Will start Bot using quest and Sebbs 1-50 All Class, with desired class. Bot will hangout for a good bit before starting. Sometimes I feel like it doesn't even do anything, so I will reload it a couple times till it moves. Bot will run and grind a fate, then will lock-up/idle (even though the log indicates it is trying to do something). If I die, the bot idles/gets hung-up as well. Sometimes the bot will do nothing, other times after 10min or so it will start moving again. Attached are some SS.

4:13:14> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.46 < 0.6)"
4:13:14> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.34 < 0.6)"
4:13:16> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.12 < 0.6)"
4:13:16> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617]"
4:13:16> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:13:16> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.43 < 0.6)"
4:13:18> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.05 < 0.6)"
4:13:18> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.49 < 0.6)"
4:13:20> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.2 < 0.6)"
4:13:21> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=0,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:13:21> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617]"
4:13:21> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:13:24> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.47 < 0.6)"
4:13:24> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.57 < 0.6)"
4:13:26> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.04 < 0.6)"
4:13:26> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617]"
4:13:26> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:13:26> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.59 < 0.6)"
4:13:27> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.27 < 0.6)"
4:13:27> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.09 < 0.6)"
4:13:27> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.13 < 0.6)"
4:13:29> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.58 < 0.6)"
4:13:30> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.13 < 0.6)"
4:13:31> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=0,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:13:31> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617]"
4:13:31> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:13:31> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.17 < 0.6)"
4:13:31> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.27 < 0.6)"
4:13:35> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.09 < 0.6)"
4:13:36> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.09 < 0.6)"
4:13:36> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617]"
4:13:36> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:13:39> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:13:39> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:13:42> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:13:44> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:13:52> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:13:56> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:13:56> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:13:56> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:13:56> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-203.90637207031,-42.107807159424,-248.27954101563]"
4:13:56> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.21170425415039]"
4:13:57> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:14:2> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:14:5> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:14:5> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:14:5> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:14:5> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:14:6> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-202.65509033203,-42.178447723389,-248.70678710938]"
4:14:6> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.28234481811523]"
4:14:7> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:14:10> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:14:15> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:14:20> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:14:25> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:14:27> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:14:30> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:14:35> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:14:41> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:14:45> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=5,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:14:45> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:14:45> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:14:45> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:14:45> D = "Entering a resting state due to low hp/mp."
4:14:51> D = "Completed resting, resuming normal task actions."
4:14:51> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-223.61315917969,-38.741409301758,-279.61618041992]"
4:14:51> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:14:51> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.11 < 0.4)"
4:14:55> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=10,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:14:55> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.26 < 0.4)"
4:14:55> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.3 < 0.4)"
4:14:56> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-223.62103271484,-38.73762512207,-279.62158203125]"
4:14:56> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:15:1> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.06 < 0.4)"
4:15:1> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.42 < 0.4)"
4:15:4> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:15:7> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:15:8> D = "[Unstuck]: Performing corrective jump."
4:15:9> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:15:9> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:15:9> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:15:9> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-216.90704345703,-42.203861236572,-296.89483642578]"
4:15:9> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.50775909423828]"
4:15:12> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:15:14> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:15:18> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:15:19> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:15:19> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:15:19> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-210.37615966797,-42.34557723999,-280.81182861328]"
4:15:19> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.57521820068359]"
4:15:21> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.28 < 0.4)"
4:15:24> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:15:27> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:15:32> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:15:37> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:15:39> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:15:40> D = "[Unstuck]: Performing corrective jump."
4:15:40> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:15:41> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:15:41> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:15:41> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-215.44219970703,-41.793991088867,-285.78625488281]"
4:15:41> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.097888946533203]"
4:15:44> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:15:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-218.47677612305,-41.442764282227,-284.04229736328]"
4:15:46> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:15:46> D = "Adding avoidance task."
4:15:50> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:15:52> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:15:57> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:16:1> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:16:1> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=20,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:16:1> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:16:1> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:16:1> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-203.81475830078,-42.456497192383,-275.86791992188]"
4:16:1> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [4.8754886848558]"
4:16:3> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-204.15208435059,-42.510040283203,-277.0185546875]"
4:16:3> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.66845321655273]"
4:16:4> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:16:9> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:16:11> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:16:12> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:16:12> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:16:12> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:16:17> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:16:22> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:16:22> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:16:22> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:16:22> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-204.02844238281,-42.621322631836,-280.17095947266]"
4:16:22> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.76609802246094]"
4:16:22> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:16:25> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:16:27> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:16:34> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:16:34> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:16:34> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:16:35> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-201.00714111328,-42.5380859375,-277.2412109375]"
4:16:35> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.68096542358398]"
4:16:35> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:16:38> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:16:43> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:16:44> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:16:44> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:16:44> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:16:48> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:16:53> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:16:55> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:16:57> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:16:58> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:16:58> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:16:58> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-206.19519042969,-42.505386352539,-279.19439697266]"
4:16:58> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.62483596801758]"
4:16:58> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:17:1> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:17:6> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:17:8> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-200.19390869141,-41.738842010498,-275.5458984375]"
4:17:8> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:17:8> D = "Adding avoidance task."
4:17:8> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.06 < 0.4)"
4:17:9> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.04 < 0.4)"
4:17:9> D = "[Navigation] - Path end reached."
4:17:10> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-206.19519042969,-42.505386352539,-279.19439697266]"
4:17:10> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.62483596801758]"
4:17:11> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:17:12> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:17:13> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:17:13> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:17:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-202.01422119141,-42.5764503479,-278.76715087891]"
4:17:13> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.69702529907227]"
4:17:16> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:17:18> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:17:26> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-296.53872680664,-37.869529724121,-211.85034179688]"
4:17:26> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:17:26> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0 < 0.4)"
4:17:28> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.22 < 0.4)"
4:17:29> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.03 < 0.4)"
4:17:31> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.32 < 0.4)"
4:17:31> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-296.53872680664,-37.869529724121,-211.85034179688]"
4:17:31> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:17:32> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.21 < 0.4)"
4:17:34> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.11 < 0.4)"
4:17:37> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-296.53872680664,-37.869529724121,-211.85034179688]"
4:17:37> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:17:40> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.29 < 0.4)"
4:17:40> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.26 < 0.4)"
4:17:40> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.09 < 0.4)"
4:17:42> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-296.53872680664,-37.869529724121,-211.85034179688]"
4:17:42> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:17:46> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=50,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:17:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-104.36923217773,-30.927820205688,-165.27951049805]"
4:17:46> D = "Added actual goal to path."
4:17:48> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=50,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:17:48> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:17:48> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:17:48> D = "Entering a resting state due to low hp/mp."
4:18:9> D = "Completed resting, resuming normal task actions."
4:18:9> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=50,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:18:11> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-188.00640869141,-41.075271606445,-260.0595703125]"
4:18:11> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:18:19> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-183.52032470703,-42.106594085693,-257.46551513672]"
4:18:19> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.21049118041992]"
4:18:19> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=50,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:18:20> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.42 < 0.6)"
4:18:20> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.53 < 0.6)"
4:18:22> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.46 < 0.6)"
4:18:23> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.19 < 0.6)"
4:18:23> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.28 < 0.6)"
4:18:23> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.24 < 0.6)"
4:18:24> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-183.52032470703,-42.106594085693,-257.46551513672]"
4:18:24> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.21049118041992]"
4:18:24> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.2 < 0.6)"
4:18:28> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.47 < 0.6)"
4:18:29> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-183.52032470703,-42.106594085693,-257.46551513672]"
4:18:29> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.21049118041992]"
4:18:34> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:18:36> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:18:36> D = "[Unstuck]: Performing corrective jump."
4:18:38> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:18:39> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:18:39> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:18:39> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-185.46495056152,-41.896102905273,-253.10159301758]"
4:18:39> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:18:39> D = "Adding avoidance task."
4:18:39> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:18:42> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:18:47> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:18:52> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-89.889030456543,-29.296100616455,-142.48527526855]"
4:18:52> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:18:54> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.35 < 0.4)"
4:18:54> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.24 < 0.4)"
4:18:59> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=55,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:18:59> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:18:59> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:18:59> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-209.02699279785,-42.270343780518,-235.78286743164]"
4:18:59> D = "Added actual goal to path."
4:19:1> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:19:2> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:19:2> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:19:2> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-199.54229736328,-42.402126312256,-253.28454589844]"
4:19:2> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.52243804931641]"
4:19:4> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.27 < 0.4)"
4:19:5> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:19:8> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:19:8> D = "[Unstuck]: Performing corrective jump."
4:19:13> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:19:15> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:19:15> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:19:15> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:19:16> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-200.70196533203,-42.285835266113,-249.13409423828]"
4:19:16> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.38973236083984]"
4:19:18> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:19:23> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:19:25> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-197.50430297852,-41.896102905273,-249.19998168945]"
4:19:25> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:19:25> D = "Adding avoidance task."
4:19:25> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0 < 0.4)"
4:19:26> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.31 < 0.4)"
4:19:26> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.37 < 0.4)"
4:19:26> D = "[Navigation] - Path end reached."
4:19:26> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:19:31> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:19:36> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:19:36> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=60,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:19:36> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:19:36> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:19:36> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-185.25988769531,-41.16654586792,-263.44702148438]"
4:19:36> D = "Added actual goal to path."
4:19:39> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-186.30444335938,-41.206489562988,-262.96752929688]"
4:19:39> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:19:39> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-187.20365905762,-41.502147674561,-262.54745483398]"
4:19:39> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [1.0355989307046]"
4:19:39> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-188.19303894043,-41.547054290771,-262.08139038086]"
4:19:39> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [2.1137690936019]"
4:19:40> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-189.94215393066,-41.996864318848,-261.85757446289]"
4:19:40> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [3.8845373197658]"
4:19:40> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:19:44> D = "[Unstuck]: Performing corrective jump."
4:19:46> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:19:48> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:19:49> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-188.59996032715,-41.696102142334,-262.19998168945]"
4:19:49> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:19:49> D = "Adding avoidance task."
4:19:50> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.06 < 0.4)"
4:19:50> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.08 < 0.4)"
4:19:50> D = "[Navigation] - Path end reached."
4:19:51> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:19:51> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:19:51> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:19:51> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-191.82116699219,-41.783004760742,-265.67486572266]"
4:19:51> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.079433441162109]"
4:19:51> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.26 < 0.4)"
4:19:51> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:19:54> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:19:59> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:20:4> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:20:7> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-189.93528747559,-41.896102905273,-268.97387695313]"
4:20:7> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:20:7> D = "Adding avoidance task."
4:20:8> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.33 < 0.4)"
4:20:9> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=65,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:20:9> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:20:9> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:20:9> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:20:9> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:20:12> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:20:17> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:20:18> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:20:18> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:20:18> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:20:19> D = "Fate details: Name=Tail of a Whale,id=574,completion=65,pos=-199.19200134277,-41.861103057861,-277.29830932617"
4:20:19> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-186.35845947266,-41.846050262451,-283.00909423828]"
4:20:19> D = "Added actual goal to path."
4:20:21> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.22 < 0.4)"
4:20:24> D = "[Unstuck]: Performing corrective jump."
4:20:24> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-186.58067321777,-41.905727386475,-282.38171386719]"
4:20:24> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0.15113067626953]"
4:20:24> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:20:27> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:20:35> D = "Starting chain [TTT]"
4:20:36> D = "[GrindCombat]: Task complete due to no target, target not alive, or target not attackable."
4:20:36> D = "Adding a new fate target."
4:20:36> D = "[GrindCombat]: Beginning new task."
4:20:40> D = "Ending chain [TTT]"
4:20:42> D = "Starting chain [IDC]"
4:20:45> D = "Ending chain [IDC]"
4:20:46> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-282.05160522461,-41.696102142334,-345.17654418945]"
4:20:46> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:20:46> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.29 < 0.4)"
4:20:47> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.09 < 0.4)"
4:20:47> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.24 < 0.4)"
4:20:50> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.19 < 0.4)"
4:20:51> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-282.05160522461,-41.696102142334,-345.17654418945]"
4:20:51> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:20:55> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:55> D = "[L1]: Resetting task parameters."
4:20:55> D = "Turning skip cutscene and dialog back on."
4:20:55> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:55> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:55> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:55> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:56> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:56> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:56> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:56> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:56> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:56> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:57> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:57> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:57> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:57> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:57> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:20:58> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:58> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:58> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:58> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:58> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:59> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:59> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:59> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:59> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:20:59> D = "[Navigation] - Player not on Path anymore. - Distance to Path: 94.429885593399 > 2"
4:20:59> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:0> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:0> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:0> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:0> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:0> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:1> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:1> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:1> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:1> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:1> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:1> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:2> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:2> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:2> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:2> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:2> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:3> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:21:3> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:3> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:3> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:3> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:4> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:4> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:4> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:4> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:4> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:5> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:5> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:5> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:5> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:5> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:6> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:6> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:6> D = "[L3]: Player is dead, preventing other actions."
4:21:6> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:21:6> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:22:21> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:22:21> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:22:22> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:22:22> D = "[L3]: Character is loading, prevent other actions and idle."
4:23:51> D = "[L1]: Bot has been idle for a while, resetting to allow re-evaluation of objectives."
4:23:51> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:23:52> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:25:19> D = "[L1]: Bot has been idle for a while, resetting to allow re-evaluation of objectives."
4:25:19> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:25:19> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:27:40> D = "[L1]: Bot has been idle for a while, resetting to allow re-evaluation of objectives."
4:27:40> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:27:40> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:29:8> D = "[L1]: Bot has been idle for a while, resetting to allow re-evaluation of objectives."
4:29:8> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:29:8> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:30:36> D = "[L1]: Bot has been idle for a while, resetting to allow re-evaluation of objectives."
4:30:36> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:30:36> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:32:43> D = "[L1]: Bot has been idle for a while, resetting to allow re-evaluation of objectives."
4:32:44> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:32:44> D = "[L3]: [NextQuestObjective]: Could not find any objectives to undertake."
4:34:0> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=83,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:34:0> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=83,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:34:0> D = "no nearest fate attackable"
4:34:2> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:2> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:3> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.43 < 0.6)"
4:34:3> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.02 < 0.6)"
4:34:4> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.54 < 0.6)"
4:34:7> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.3 < 0.6)"
4:34:7> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:7> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:7> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.2 < 0.6)"
4:34:9> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.48 < 0.6)"
4:34:10> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=83,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:34:13> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:13> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:18> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:18> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:18> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.11 < 0.6)"
4:34:20> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=83,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:34:21> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.29 < 0.6)"
4:34:21> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.45 < 0.6)"
4:34:22> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.38 < 0.6)"
4:34:23> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:23> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:28> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:28> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:29> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.05 < 0.6)"
4:34:29> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.25 < 0.6)"
4:34:30> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=91,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:34:31> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.37 < 0.6)"
4:34:33> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:33> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:35> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.19 < 0.6)"
4:34:36> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.34 < 0.6)"
4:34:36> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.29 < 0.6)"
4:34:38> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.16 < 0.6)"
4:34:38> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:38> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:38> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.27 < 0.6)"
4:34:39> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.49 < 0.6)"
4:34:39> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.46 < 0.6)"
4:34:40> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=91,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:34:43> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:43> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:45> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.3 < 0.6)"
4:34:48> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:48> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:51> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.09 < 0.6)"
4:34:51> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=91,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:34:52> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.16 < 0.6)"
4:34:53> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:53> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:34:55> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.56 < 0.6)"
4:34:55> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.29 < 0.6)"
4:34:58> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:34:58> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:1> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=91,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:35:3> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:35:3> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:8> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:35:8> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:11> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=91,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:35:12> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.31 < 0.6)"
4:35:14> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:35:14> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:14> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.24 < 0.6)"
4:35:19> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:35:19> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:21> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=91,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:35:24> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:35:24> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:24> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.23 < 0.6)"
4:35:27> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.34 < 0.6)"
4:35:28> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.51 < 0.6)"
4:35:29> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:35:29> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:31> D = "Fate details: Name=Gauging South Tidegate,id=570,completion=91,pos=-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868"
4:35:34> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-137.40640258789,-28.021415710449,16.995370864868]"
4:35:34> D = "Actual goal to path goal dist is [0]"
4:35:35> D = "[Navigation] - Node reached. (0.42 < 0.6)"
4:35:38> D = "Setting FATE to end completely."

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
can you post your grind settings also plz
including fate start % page
Hopefully this is what you are asking for, its default. I have not touched anything.

    local mapid = Player.localmapid
    local level = Player.level
    local inthanalan =     In(mapid,140,141,145,146,147,140,141,130,131)
    local inshroud =     In(mapid,148,152,153,154,132,133)
    local inlanoscea =     In(mapid,129,128,134,135,137,138,139,180)
    if (level < 12) then
        if (inthanalan) then
            return 140 --western than
        elseif (inshroud) then
            return 148 --central shroud
        elseif (inlanoscea) then
            return 134 --middle la noscea
            return 148
    elseif ( level >= 12 and level < 20) then
        if (inthanalan) then
            return 140 --western than
        elseif (inshroud) then
            return 152 --east shroud
        elseif (inlanoscea) then
            return 138 --middle la noscea
            return 152
    elseif (level >= 20 and level < 22) then
        return 152 --east shroud
    elseif (level >= 22 and level < 30) then
        return 153 --south shroud
    elseif (level >= 30 and level < 40) then
        return 137 --eastern la noscea
    elseif (level >= 40 and level < 45) then
        return 155 --coerthas
    elseif (level >= 45 and level < 50) then
        return 138
    elseif (level >= 50 and level <= 60 and QuestCompleted(1583) and CanAccessMap(397)) then
        return 397
    elseif (level >= 57 and level <= 60 and QuestCompleted(1583) and CanAccessMap(398)) then
        return 398
    elseif (level <= 60 and (not QuestCompleted(1609) or not CanAccessMap(398))) then
        return 397
    elseif (level <= 60 and (QuestCompleted(1609) and CanAccessMap(398))) then
        return 398
        return 138
no screen shot the grind settings.

where it says do atma
fate min lvl etc etc etc
and the tweeks page with the start % for types of fates
Attached good sir.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
can you plz show me what addons in your luamods folder.
had an issue yesterday with a similar issue with a conflicting lua mod.

with your current settings your bot will only grinfg fates -5 and +2 of player level.
here you go boss.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Please delete dailies and teleporter and retry
Seems to work 100x better. It has only been 5min, but a noticeable difference. I will report back if I notice it getting hung-up/idling later on after work. Thank you.
If you can.....
Add one back and see which causes it...
Test individually.

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