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2 questions regarding leveling
What about if you have 4 accounts?

Normally with jackie1234's profiles i should be 15-50 in no time. But how about 1-15? Will i do that manually till i unlock Sastasha?
To unlock duty finder you really have no choice but to do story quests up to 15. What helped me was play one toon and set the others on pt grind mode to follow the toon I am controlling around; you'll still need to interact with npcs on each toon though
I thought the same way in pt grind mode as to follow and interact manually to make the things faster. I already have a character i bot which i finished main story but i could not remember how long it takes to finish 1-15. How long does it take to 1-15?
i can do 1-15 on 4 bots in about 4 hours. but i TP around to ever quest.

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