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How to Multibot?
I know the game will only allow 2 instances at once but that minion can allow more. What do I need to do in order to get the third client up? I know there is a Multibot Manager and I am not sure if activating that will allow another bot but even if it does, as soon as I toggle it on to activated it goes back to unactivated. Any advice?
Step 1. Launch game , login
Step 2. Attach bot

Repeat that as many times as you want. You will need one key for each instance. AKA, if you want to use it on 4 instance, you need 4 keys.
just set up each account in the gui_launcher you can launch as many bots as your cpu can hold.
Okay, I was using beta. I'll use live for multibotting! I assume it's not a function in beta.
You can still multibot in beta. You just dont have the GUI to launch all bots for you. You have to do it manually one by one
you can use the gui_launcher in beta too.
Just tried this and I am completely missing something. Where do I do it in beta? In beta I would launch game > load beta > launch game 2 > load beta > launch game 3 > game three crashes

In live I can attach the first two bots once they have logged in but it's like SE doesn't allow 3 clients running at a time.
I load game > login > attach bot > fails on number 3.
When you say crash, do you get an error window or it just closes ?
Are you sure you are not using the same key twice ?
are you running windows 7 or 8.1? the bot removes the 2 limit. alos for beta you just copy the launcher gui_launcher files over.
Sorry for the bump but I finally got 4 bots. Again, my problem is this:

1. I have two characters open and in game
2. I launch game, login (as stated by random73)
3. Once I hit "Play" my client crashes and I do not get to "Attach bot" as in random73's third bullet point. I get this instead

What may help is that I launch the game from ffxivboot.exe from my SSD which only has FFXIV on it. I can run two characters and two bots fine doing this method but I cannot seem to get that third character logged in the game.

Edit: I would love to just "add acount" in the launcher_gui but I do not want to put my account and password in that box ( I know I know suck it up no one will steal my info but I am just a very private person and would not like to put my info in). So, if there is another way to add an account to the list I would do it but I have been running two bots for months and never had to enter account info so I would like to do the same for the additional two bots I would like to use. I just can't login with them.

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