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Fate Settings not working
I went to the new fate settings where were can disable verious types of fate.

I started of by seeing all fate types to 2% so it only went to fates with other ppl. (this was ignored)

I also set the escort fates to 60% so it did not follow in that weird way but still showed up near the end to get credit for the fate.(this was ignored)

i then disabled escort fates all together just switched it off. (this was also ignored)

Am i missing something simple?

Like do i need to supply the list of fates?

Is there a patch in thread that i missed that fixs this?
TaskManager installed?
yes but not using it for this.

not added the patch u made to fix it thats on the task manager thread

you think its connected?

soon strange i replaced the task manger lua with the updated one and of she went to the right fate

no idea how the taskmanager affects the fates maybe some shared global variable or something.

But ya seems to work thx for the tip and the fix and so much more

lava < fire ;)
Taskmanager overrides alot of functions of the normal bot because it makes custom tasks to do these things . the book profiles all grind mobs, then do the fates, and you can set it up to do fates switch zones to fates switch zones. So when Taskmanager is broken it breaks teh whole bot.
(03-24-2015, 02:15 PM)Cichard Wrote:  Taskmanager overrides alot of functions of the normal bot because it makes custom tasks to do these things . the book profiles all grind mobs, then do the fates, and you can set it up to do fates switch zones to fates switch zones. So when Taskmanager is broken it breaks teh whole bot.

applying the task manger patch did fix it so thx buddy :)

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