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Small Button request!
Hello! I love using Minion, it has changed how I can play the game to keep it interesting for me without having to socialise with people calling me a "uwu" or waving their genitals at me with "o/".

Anyway! While I appreciate that the majority of the modules require non-legacy movement to function properly, for the majority of the time I am watching/intervening, especially in public areas where I will take over entirely. I have already run into issues where the bot keeps trying to teleport, over and over and over and over, or tries to cast on targets that are just outside actual combat range so they get stuck in a loop of casting/cancelling.

I despise standard movement, it's terrible for me, it's slow, clunky and only gets me killed when I'm trying to move and instead start turning around.

I would like, if possible, a small button that I can toggle the assist mode "set legacy movement" off and on rather than having to keep opening the assist window to toggle it off and back on again. Even if I'm not running the bot, but I have TensorReactions still running, the bot tries to evade AE's, which in turn forces the standard movement back on, regardless of what the "set legacy movement" box is set to, as this only forces legacy movement while assist mode is turned on.

I know my issue is more or less hard coded into the software and there's no real easy way to have the bot use legacy movement. I just want a quick toggle button that I can have on display, knowing full well it will still behave in the same fashion as the checkbox, just a lot easier for me to access and click twice (turn it off, turn it back on resulting in legacy movement turning back on) instead of opening the minion window, changing to assist mode to turn the option off and back on again. It's probably a stupid request, I know, since I can't find anyone else asking for such a thing but it would for sure make my life a lot easier. I'm partially sighted and when I open up a new window everything gets all confusing like "Where the fudge did that come from?!" and have to get my bearings all over again. It's embarrassing. The game's default UI is abysmal at best and enough of a challenge to work with utilising oversized wasted space in everything! Open your inventory, then get an additional 2 inches of background space all around the part I want to see, etc. And soooo many unneeded extra clicks, which Minion helps with! Trying to get an item from a retainer involves a whole conversation with tea and crumpets!"

I apologise for my uncanny ability to over explain and hope that my request makes some sense and thank you in advanced for anyone that has already created this or can assist me with such a thing!

My next request is to simply add a toggle to the "Assist/Grind/Etc" small button that allows me to right click and change it, or use a pull down menu without opening up the window completely again. I say simply because the suggestion seems simple but I have no idea how to code!

Many thanks!


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Small Button request! - by Haffy - 03-06-2021, 06:30 AM

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