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ATTN: Saik / Ace / Other skill manager gurus
Quick question and i think it may not (yet?) be supported, but,

For the bard skill "Iron Jaws" it refreshes dots already in place with a single skill. I'm trying to set up a skill in the editor for this to check for both debuffs on the target, AND below certain time.

I've tried it with
missing buff 124,129 or buff dura <=5,
missing buff 124+129 or buff dura <=5
Has Buffs 124,129 or buff dura <=5
has Buffs 124+129 or buff dura <=5

Any way to make this work as i'm hoping?

I'm parsing incredibly high manually and am super close to replicating this on a single target but this is one of the last items causing headaches.
To use Iron Jaws you need to have WM running right?

So that means you are already in WM and want to execute it with the parameters you said?
yes, player buff is already set to 865,
looking at target buffs 124 and 129
I would go with:

Missing Buffs 124+129
Or Buff Dura <=5

and make sure the Skill is on top of all of them, I can only guess and try to help you ofc, because I do not have a 60 Bard, but what many people forget is that we still use a prioity system when it comes to executing skills, so the higher the more important.
With 124+129 dura <=5 it spams iron jaws.

i have it high on the priority list because in the fun scenario when Emperyal AND straight shot proc AND bloodletter are available (it happens a lot actually)... it misses the refresh
Use the "Sec since last" Feature for that maybe? How often do you wanna use it? Once? Twice? You can play around with the seconds then.

And maybe try switching it around with Has Buffs and <=5 also with the sec since last feature.
I can think of a scenario why he spams it, but meh.

If all of those things don't work, I will just scream for a new feature implementation lol.

Because a "Has Buffs AND <=5 sec" is maybe a little easier to handle.
the main issue is that they're originally on different timers, its really not an issue so much when they're lined up and ticking both at the same timer, but the initial application of the buffs puts them approx 3 seconds apart.

When you have 124+129 buff dura <= 5, it will only use the skill when BOTH timers are below 5

If you use 124,129 <=5 it pops an iron jaws after the first buff is applied

I suppose i could set venomous and wind to combo to each other, but, the problem there is no off globals would be used in the opener, so, that is counter productive as well
Well that screams for a more complex system!
Lets go to the Acemobile!

Because it would not even a bad idea to implement that, and the more complex the game gets, the more complex the bot needs to get I guess :/

Even tho its maybe not easy to implement, it would surely be a nice feature to be able to check different buffs with different timers on a single other spell.
Put both of these at same time and see if that works for ya.

Has buff:

Missing buff:

Or buff dura <=5

and of course the player has buff 865

p.s. looking forward to your profile
i think i tried that when i was trying to get super optimized ARR bard profile but will give it a shot tonight. currently botting new toons to 60 so i can try out dungeon spams.

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