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Starting to think I may just be retarded.
So I have managed to get this bot to work, but I seem to have no fucking clue what I am doing. Ive gotten Min Bot and Fsh 1-60 but really having no idea how. I feel i am not getting nearly my moneys worth from this app, but im sure it is entirely due to lack of intellect on my part.

first the questions:

What OS are you running? Windows 7 64 bit

* What AV is installed?(Antivirus) None

* Where is the bot installed?(installed path) No idea

* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed? No

* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed? Mumble and TS yes as well as catalyst CC

* Did you follow the install instructions found HERE I feel like i did?

* Are you running the bot as admin? Always

* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client? Button

*Are you running any Bot addons? I mean Im trying man..... Leviathan helper works, cannot figure out legendary fisher at fucking all. tried to make the vendor trash thing work, but no luck there at all

I feel really stupid that i cannot get this thing to work the way i know it can. I cannot get the fisher to release fish. cannot get legendary fisher to work at all it seems. even after reading the unspoiled guide 50 times i am still completely incapable of making the damn thing work. I can set a marker and gather shit, but that is literally it..... should i just give up? are yall patient enough to walk an idiot like me through this process?

what i am looking to figure out:
I just want to be able to gather one type of fish, and release the rest.....
i want to set up unspoiled gathering and let it run by itself to MULTIPLE nodes.....
I would like to learn to utilize flight, but i have a feeling that is just going to be hopeless....

ive read every inch of this website and forum and i feel just as lost as i was on day 1. are there any "retard guides"

i feel the value is there, and i would continue to pay for the product if i had a damned clue how any of this shit works

edit: i left out how many things i have smashed broken and trown trying to figure this out. please, for my sanity, help me.

tl:dr i paid money, i feel stupid, can anyone help me feel less stupid about my purchase?
I have to go to sleep now, but if no one has helped by tomorrow sometime, I would be glad to help you.

Real Quick though I can say in the fishing marker, you need to add the fish you want to keep in the Whitelist section.

Put the fish you want to release in the Blacklist section, separated by commas i.e Fish1,Fish2,Fish3 (no spaces between commas.)

[Image: Capture.jpg]

Legendary fisher has an option for "Keep Fish on List" which will release all fish except the ones in the profile.
I can help more tomorrow.
You sir, are a good man. Sleep well.

video guides at each section of the forums. literlly Fighting is the easiest to set up. Do fates, Do fates only or you can load Sebbs all class quest pack and it will do huntlogs do fates do class quests and change zones based on level all for your totaly afk.
Yea getting it to kill mobs and grind fates was the first thing i learned, didnt have any issues with that.

currently i cannot get the blacklist/whitelist functions to work, i have yet to see the bot use the skill "release" once since ive started using it.
Let's try to get him up and running with the built-in fishing stuff before we get off into more complicated addons like LegendaryFisher, especially since they can cause conflicts with built-in code and cause things to work unexpectedly at times.

Roflcopter, can you post a screenshot of a marker setup where you're trying to use the blacklist or whitelist please?

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