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FATE- Assist Players
Is there a way to make FATE grind work, so that you attack enemies that are being attacked by other players in the FATE?

It's kind of fishy to let someone die right next to you because you aren't helping kill their target.

I have Attack Claimed checked, but it doesnt seem to work.
Maybe it was fishy of them to not attack your target instead of killing their own.

Maybe when Grind gets upgraded with profile support, but I'm not making any promises.
This really only applies when I am running up on a FATE and the person is already engaged with an enemy and is dying, I will run right past him and start attacking a mob with full health.

Thanks for considering adding it.
either way its not fishy i have had people yell at me say "I've got this" its only fishy in your mind.
It's fishy because any normal player with an average IQ would try to help save the player. If it's a White Knight that is dying, he will probably watch me.

It's just a suggestion to make the bot more human like. I suppose there are alot more telling signs that someone is FATE botting than that though.
its not fishy at all, I would never help another player whats the point? if they are dieing in a fate then they should probably not be doing it. I've played MMO's far to long to interfere with another player. more times then not you think you are helping them but they then whisper you with stuff like "nice try on the kill steal", " i dont need your help i got this" or my favorite "back off my mob" I think most normal players if its a tagged mob would just go on their own way and not think twice about helping that other person. Hell most players i know do not even have health bars of other people visible out side of party or alliance.
You are talking about killing mobs that they are either questing on or doing something non-FATE related.

The whole point of a FATE is to work together to successfully complete the fate, so your reasoning doesn't apply to FATE's. So it would make sense that I try to focus down the same enemy they are attacking to you know, make the FATE go faster.

Sure, why would you go out of your way to help someone kill an enemy if there is no reward in it for you, I get that, but FATE's are designed for group effort, not solo play and you are rewarded gold to bronze medal for completing it. I would rather try to get the gold medal. Wouldn't you?

Also, this is about what I think makes the bot more human like and I could care less about what the persons reaction is after trying to help them. I prefer to think about what is best, rather than what people think of my actions.

That is true about the health bars though, im sure most players don't have them turned on. I main a Scholar so I have mine set to display if they are below 100% health, so maybe I am the only person who thinks about other players health pool lol.

Anyways, I didn't mean to start an argument, if it can't or wont be done, then I am fine with that.
oh im not trying to make an argument. A lot of things we see in the bot is because we use it, we think OH this makes me look like a bot and we worry that others will see it. when 9 times out of 10 people have no clue that you are a bot unless they (A) watched videos on the bot, (B) used the bot them selves. Obviously if the bot is jumping at a all for 12 hours then yeah that makes you look like a bot, but i see this all the time while im fate botting unless its a boss fight , or a stage fight people dont fight the same mob, I play on 2 different serves one is super over populated, so most fates go by so fast anyways you basically get to attack a mob once or twice. The other server is the exact oposite very under populated and at kill fates and such most people are just killing their own mob. Unless they are in a fate party together. Its an exp thing not an item thing. If player (A) tags a mob in a fate and player (B) then come along and attacks it, Most likely player (A) will be the only one to get xp or get the majority of xp. its in the best intrest of xp for player (B) to tag his own mob and kill it to get mob kill xp.
Well there is also that issue that the bot will keep on fighting the boss fate while low HP swarms of adds get aggro'ed and attack the bot resulting in other players having to "save" the bot or the bot simply dying/resetting.

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