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Disable rendering when window not in focus
Hi, personally I don't run multiple instances of the game, but thought people who do might find this idea useful.
At the moment you can toggle 'Disable Rendering' in Hacks settings, but I thought it would be interesting if the bot disabled rendering if you alt-tab from window and enable it if you put game window in focus.
Like, from time to time you can quickly see what's going on with each character and go back to watching Netflix.

PS1: Happy festivities!
PS2: Any news how skill manager redesign is progressing? Expect
Thanks! To add to 'Auto Disable rendering', could it be a tickbox in settings maybe, or auto-disable-rendering only if "Disable rendering" is ticked? Would be bad for people with 1 instance only, for example you put game on one monitor to follow LS chat and Facebook/Skype on second monitor. There are situations where you leave game in background and do something in foreground but still want to see LS or party chat. Like waiting for your party to fill in with people for primal battle. So best would be if we had control whether we want to use it or not.

Edit: most of the stuff looks the same, but these two look very promising:
gw2_skill_manager.currentCombo = nil
gw2_skill_manager.currentComboSkill = nil

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