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Anyone for tele farming Ultros
Ultros doesn't seem to be popular here but figured i'd ask, id like to do extreme primals but it takes awhile getting a group to leave so I can solo it with the new abandon duty feature

Also a side question, is there a way to gather unspoiled nodes and switch between miner and bot to maximize the amount I get? I'm sure that would be hard to put into bot form but it's worth a shot
I'd be interest. Know someone else as well.
I am in too.. but you have too teach me how I use teleport.
Make an LS, ill join
making one? if so, msg me ;o
PM me - I made an LS for this purpose but couldnt get enough ppl.

Im down.

looks like 7 counting o'boys buddy >.>
We have the LS up and running, need a few more bodies to begin 8 mans. All you guys posted for it here but we havent gotten the follow up PM's

PM your in game name for an invite!
What's the LS?
yea let me just post that here on the forums....

while im here :P Have a few spots left if we havent already gotten everyone on ultros :P

Small small community of us - just the way we like it ^^
Moji - your PM's are disabled

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