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Grind Mode Flight Speed
Good afternoon,

I noticed that sometimes while the bot is flying in between FATEs or whatever else, the flight speed is slow. Is there a setting somewhere to account for this? Thanks!
Same problem here. It seems to be not from Minion, but from the game, since it happens even if you have not the minion.
It happens on Scenery too sometimes, and if you need to go very far, you need 8mn to travel the map at the slowest speed.  Complaint
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
think its caused when your already moving on the ground as you go into the air, unless movement is stopped and restarted in the air it will likely keep the ground movement speed which is about 80% less I think (ground 100%, air 180%),

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