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Taking Data from file and putting into field
Teleport = { }
Teleport.coordspath = GetStartupPath() .. [[\LuaMods\Teleport\Coords\]];
Teleport.CoordsProfile = {}
Teleport.lastticks = 0
Teleport.running = false
Teleport.curTask = nil
Teleport.CoordsFiles = {}
Teleport.UIRefreshPending = false
Teleport.UIRefreshTmr = 0

--             Made by Breckdareck             --
--        Will try to add more soon            --
--Just now learning how to code lua and its fun--
--Thanks to MMOMinion for the code and allowing--
--           the use of add on scripts!        --
--                                             --
--    I hope maybe i could work for you!!      --

function Teleport.teleport()

    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.clickteleactive == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.clickteleactive = "0"
    if (Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname == nil) then
        Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname = "None"


    -- Navigation functions
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","X: ","tb_xPos","Teleport Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Y: ","tb_yPos","Teleport Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Z: ","tb_zPos","Teleport Coords")
    --Target Coords
    --Save Coords
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Coords name: ","coordsnewname","Coords Save")
    GUI_NewButton("Teleport","SaveCoords","SaveCoord","Coords Save")
    RegisterEventHandler("SaveCoord", Teleport.Save)
    --Saved Coords
    GUI_NewComboBox("Teleport","Coords Name: ","coordsname","Saved Coords","")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","X:","SavedX","Saved Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Y:","SavedY","Saved Coords")
    GUI_NewField("Teleport","Z:","SavedZ","Saved Coords")
    --Get Coords Button
    RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.playerPosition", Teleport.Move)    
    --Teleport to Saved Coords Button
    RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.saved", Teleport.Move4)
    --Teleport to Target Button
    RegisterEventHandler("", Teleport.Move2)
    --Teleport Button    
    RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.teleport", Teleport.Move)    
    tb_nPoints = 0
    --Show Targets Coords
    --Turn on/off Click2Tele

    clickteleactive = Settings.FFXIVMINION.clickteleactive

    coordsnewname = ""
    Teleport.CoordsProfile = {}
    TLE_XCOORD = 0
    TLE_YCOORD = 0
    TLE_ZCOORD = 0
    TLE_IDK = 0
    GUI_UnFoldGroup("Teleport","Teleport Coords")
    GUI_UnFoldGroup("Teleport","Coords Save")
    GUI_UnFoldGroup("Teleport","Saved Coords")

function Teleport.Move( dir )

    if ( dir == "Teleport.playerPosition") then
            local p = Player.pos
            tb_xPos = tostring(p.x)
            tb_yPos = tostring(p.y)
            tb_zPos = tostring(p.z)
    elseif( dir == "Teleport.teleport") then

function Teleport.Move2( dir )

    if ( dir == "Teleport.playerPosition") then
            local p = Player.pos
            TargetPosX = tostring(p.x)
            TargetPosY = tostring(p.y)
            TargetPosZ = tostring(p.z)
        elseif( dir == "") then
function Teleport.Move3(event,tickcount)
    if ( MeshManager:IsKeyPressed(160) ) then
function Teleport.Move4( dir )

    if ( dir == "Teleport.playerPosition") then
    elseif( dir == "Teleport.saved") then


function Teleport.Update()
    mytarget = Player:GetTarget()
    if (mytarget  ~= nil) then    
        TargetName =
        TargetPosX = (math.floor(mytarget.pos.x * 10) / 10)
        TargetPosY = (math.floor(mytarget.pos.y * 10) / 10)
        TargetPosZ = (math.floor(mytarget.pos.z * 10) / 10)


function Teleport.Test2()
    Teleport.running = not Teleport.running
    if ( not Teleport.running) then Teleport.curTask = nil end
function Teleport.DoTask()
    if (Teleport.curTask) then
--Updates everything
function Teleport.GUIVarUpdate(Event, NewVals, OldVals)
    for k,v in pairs(NewVals) do
        --d(tostring(k).." = "..tostring(v))
        if ( k == "clickteleactive" ) then            
            Settings.FFXIVMINION[tostring(k)] = v
        elseif ( k == "coordsname" )then
            Teleport.CoordsProfile = {}
            Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname = tostring(v)
        elseif ( k == "TLE_XCOORD") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.XCOord = v
        elseif ( k == "TLE_YCOORD") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.YCOord = v
        elseif ( k == "TLE_ZCOORD") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.ZCOord = v
        elseif ( k == "TLE_IDK") then Teleport.CoordsProfile.idk = v

function Teleport.OnUpdateHandler( Event, ticks )     
    if ( ticks - Teleport.lastticks > 500 ) then
        Teleport.lastticks = ticks        
        if ( Teleport.running ) then
        elseif ( clickteleactive == "1") then
    -- Needed because the UI cant handle clearing + rebuilding of all stuff in the same frame
    if ( Teleport.UIRefreshPending ) then            
        if ( Teleport.UIRefreshTmr == 0 ) then        
            Teleport.UIRefreshTmr = tick            
        elseif( tick - Teleport.UIRefreshTmr > 250 ) then        
            Teleport.UIRefreshTmr = 0            
            Teleport.UIRefreshPending = false            

--Grasb all Profiles and enlist them in the dropdown field
function Teleport.UpdateCoords()

    local coordsprofiles = "None"
    local found = "None"    
    local coordsprofilelist = dirlist(Teleport.coordspath,".*lua")
    if ( TableSize(coordsprofilelist) > 0) then            
        local i,coordsprofile = next ( coordsprofilelist)
        while i and coordsprofile do                
            coordsprofile = string.gsub(coordsprofile, ".lua", "")
            coordsprofiles = coordsprofiles..","..coordsprofile
            if ( Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname ~= nil and Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname == coordsprofile ) then
                d("Last Profile found : "..coordsprofile)
                found = coordsprofile
            i,coordsprofile = next ( coordsprofilelist,i)
    coordsname_listitems = coordsprofiles
    coordsname = found

--Save under new file
function Teleport.Save()
    local xCoord = tonumber(tb_xPos)
    local yCoord = tonumber(tb_yPos)
    local zCoord = tonumber(tb_zPos)
    local filename = ""
    local isnew = false
    if ( coordsnewname ~= "" ) then
        filename = coordsnewname
        coordsnewname = ""
        isnew = true
    elseif (coordsprofile ~= nil and coordsprofile ~= "None" and coordsprofile ~= "") then
        filename = coordsname
        coordsnewname = ""
    if ( filename ~= "" ) then
        local string2write = "TLE_Version_1=1\n"
        local name,coords = next (Teleport.CoordsProfile)
        while name and coords do
        d("Saving Profile Data into File: "..filename)
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_XCOORD="..xCoord.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_YCOORD="..yCoord.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_ZCOORD="..zCoord.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_IDK="..coords.idk.."\n"
            string2write = string2write.."TLE_END=0\n"
            name,coords = next (Teleport.CoordsProfile,name)
        d(filewrite(Teleport.coordspath ..filename..".lua",string2write))

        if ( isnew ) then
            coordsname_listitems = coordsname_listitems..","..filename
            coordsname = filename
            Settings.FFXIVMINION.coordsname = filename

function Teleport.UpdateCoordsData()
    if ( coordsname ~= nil and coordsname ~= "" and coordsname ~= "None" ) then
        local profile = fileread(Teleport.coordspath..coordsname..".lua")
        if ( TableSize(profile) > 0) then
        local unsortedCoordsList = {}
        local newcoords = {}
        local i, line = next (profile)

            if ( line ) then
                local version
                -- Check for backwards compatib
                local _, key, id, value = string.match(line, "(%w+)_(%w+)_(%d+)=(.*)")
                if ( tostring(key) == "Version" and tostring(id) == "1") then
                    version = 1
                while i and line do
                    local key, value
                    if ( version == 1 ) then
                        _, key, value = string.match(line, "(%w+)_(%w+)=(.*)")
                    --d("key: "..tostring(key).." value:"..tostring(value))

            if (key and value ) then
                value = string.gsub(value, "\r", "")
                if ( key == "End" )then
                    newcoords = {}
                    elseif ( key == "XCOORD") then newcoords.XCOord = tonumber(value)
                    elseif ( key == "YCOORD") then newcoords.YCOord = tonumber(value)
                    elseif ( key == "ZCOORD") then newcoords.ZCOord = tonumber(value)
                    elseif ( key == "IDK") then newcoords.idk = tonumber(value)
                d("Error loading inputline: Key: "..(tostring(key)).." value:"..tostring(value))
            i, line = next (profile,i)

RegisterEventHandler("Gameloop.Update", Teleport.OnUpdateHandler)
RegisterEventHandler("Teleport.Test2", Teleport.Test2)

Everything is Practically done now, all i need is to grab the data from the files and put them into the new Field i have.

Messages In This Thread
Taking Data from file and putting into field - by breckdareck - 10-16-2013, 09:47 PM

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