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issues with a map - sitting at aetheryte
This is my config for this task. It fires off and teleports me to the zone but sometimes it mounts up and just stands there until i stop/start the profile again. Thoughts?
Again this only happens sometimes. Other times it teleports, mounts up and moves.... Could my internet be causing this if i'm lagging?

The Positions x,y,z were removed

[14] = {
            ["minlevel"] = 60;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["mapid"] = 397;
            ["pos"] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["whitelist"] = "8";
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["item1"] = "Chysahl Greens";    
            ["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_530";
            ["radius"] = 75;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["gathergardening"] = false;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 20;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 22;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;    
["collectables"] = {
["Chysahl Greens"] = 530;
I know this is a needle in a hay stack but it makes no sense that my script works and then sometimes it doesnt... i'm thinking it's not the script that's the problem but my latency.
provide console feed back when its stuck
Happened again just now on another step. This is the error log.

20:41:45> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [470.8,212.5,719] to [0,0,0]"
20:41:46> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [470.8,212.5,719] to [0,0,0]"
20:41:46> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [470.8,212.5,719] to [0,0,0]"
20:41:47> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [470.8,212.5,719] to [0,0,0]"
I saw someone post to delete all the nav meshes and let it re-download. Thoughts?
i zipped up my navigation folder and redownloaded. Will report back in 24-48 hours.
locked up again

23:42:15> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [32.12] seconds."
23:42:47> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [43.8] seconds."
23:42:47> D = "[NodePreBuff]: Need to switch to profile [Gathering_530]."
23:42:47> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
23:42:55> D = "Map Changed, Loading NavMesh.."
23:42:55> D = "Loading NavMesh from File: Coerthas Western Highlands"
23:42:55> D = "Mesh was loaded successfully!"
23:42:58> D = "Found an appropriate weapon for class [17], [10305]."
23:42:59> D = "[LoadClassSettings] : Loaded class options file."
23:42:59> D = "[ACR]: Setting current class to [17]"
23:42:59> D = "Did not find a preferred or default profile."
23:43:0> D = "[NodePreBuff]: Need to switch to profile [Gathering_530]."
23:43:0> D = "[NodePreBuff]: Need to use our unspoiled finder."
23:43:1> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:2> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:3> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:3> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:4> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:5> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:5> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:6> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:6> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:7> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:8> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:8> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:9> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:10> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:10> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:11> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:11> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:12> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:13> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:13> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:14> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:15> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:15> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:16> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:17> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:17> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:18> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:18> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:19> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:20> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:20> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:21> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:22> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:22> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:23> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:23> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:24> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:25> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:25> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:26> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:27> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:27> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:28> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:28> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:29> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:30> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:30> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
23:43:31> D = "[e_walktopos]: Error code [-10] was generated by MoveTo, while creating a path from [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"
Restarted minion, applied a patch (looks like to gathering_blue) and then it worked fine.

23:45:56> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
23:45:56> D = "[LoadClassSettings] : Loaded class options file."
23:45:56> D = "[ACR]: Setting current class to [17]"
23:45:56> D = "Did not find a preferred or default profile."
23:45:57> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
23:45:57> D = "Map Changed, Loading NavMesh.."
23:45:57> D = "Loading NavMesh from File: Coerthas Western Highlands"
23:46:0> D = "Mesh was loaded successfully!"
23:46:1> D = "Buffering task evaluation by [26.28] seconds."
23:46:1> D = "[NodePreBuff]: Need to switch to profile [Gathering_530]."
23:46:1> D = "[e_walktopos]: Path generated by MoveTo with [28] points. [483.4,212.5,698.6] to [-693,99.9,-589]"
check if the mesh loaded when it shows this

[483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"

it likely hasnt loaded either cubed or mesh
(09-09-2016, 03:18 AM)sebbs Wrote:  check if the mesh loaded when it shows this

[483.4,212.5,698.6] to [0,0,0]"

it likely hasnt loaded either cubed or mesh

Nav mesh loads. No matter what Script I use in it's broken state it will teleport to the location, remain mounted and not move.

Can someone please move this to the support section. I think it's beyond a simple script issue at this point.

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