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SkillManager not working correctly with skillspeed
I have noticed some poor behavior with skillmanager and assist mode. When I wear a gear set with no skillspeed giving me a GCD of 2.5 seconds, skills that are bound to the GCD will fire off pretty much instantaneously when the cooldown is over. When I wear a gear set with skill speed to drop off a little over .1 sec from my GCD, knocking it down to 2.39, I can see a noticeable delay before it will fire the next GCD skill as if it was waiting for 2.5 seconds regardless of the actual GCD. I see this behavior in both the stable and beta builds, with and without EnhancedAssist, and even on a skill manager profile with only one skill. This behavior is consistent and repeatable, and causes a pretty decent difference to DPS. Am I missing some hidden way that I can set what my GCD is supposed to be? How can this be fixed?

I actually did a little digging using the dev menu and found something interesting which might point to the problem. When I select any GCD ability, the Cooldown and MaxCooldown listings do show the correct skillspeed-modified cooldown time, but Recasttime always says 2.5. I can change it in that text box but it doesn't seem to actually do anything and it goes right back to 2.5 if I try to perform any action. Maybe this has something to do with my issue?
its based off cancast: if the bot can cast the skill it will. the bot knows when a skill is off CD.
Well then it makes even less sense that this happens. I just tried it again a Bard using Heavy Shot with a 2.5 second GCD recasts pretty much instantly, while 2.35 second GCDs have a noticeable delay between them. Same thing happens with Dragoon and Monk abilities, although strangely the delay does not grow even larger when the GCD is reduced further by greased lightning stacks. Also this effect seems to stick around for one recast cycle after switching back to a 2.5 GCD as well. If I had a GCD of 2.35 and use a skill, there's the delay, then switch to gear that gives me a 2.5 GCD and use that same ability, once the cooldown is completed there's the delay again before the next cast, but then it goes away for every recast after the first. I don't know why it's happening, but it is, and it's 100% repeatable, and other people have noticed it too. Please look into fixing it.
The bot isn't waiting 2.5 seconds, or any amount of time, to cast.

Like jackie said, it uses the ability the moment it is ready.

If you had 0 latency to SE's servers(and skill manager ran every tick, and your computer was super fast), it would cast as quickly as possible.

It isn't a bug so much as a lack of a feature, skillmanager doesn't support command queuing. The crux of the issue is the whole reason why people argue all day about the dps differences between a bard who uses macro spam and a bard who manually uses his abilities. ffxiv macros can't be queued, so any ability in a macro will run slower than simply hitting it.

My custom bard script is pretty boss and I am happy with it, it is a work in progress but feel free to try it :P 300+ dps for an i90 bard :P You hit middle mouse button to activate it while targeting something...

The key to the whole thing is the line:
local gcd = heavyShot.cdmax - > -0.5

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It doesn't use them the moment they're ready, which is the whole reason I'm trying to get someone to fix it. This doesn't have anything to do with queuing, computer speed, or latency. Equipping a gear set with more skill speed doesn't change any of those things, but it does change the performance of assist/skillmanager. Like I said, when my GCD is 2.5, skills come out instantly. When it's less than that, they don't. It's clearly an issue, and one that no other bot has. Do I have to make a video or something to prove it?
i dont come across this issue... i have tons of bots running and ive never had this happen.
This might explain the difference in damage I am seeing in my blm profile.

I recently created a blm profile that perfectly replicates the rotation of a blm. However when I use the bot at a target dummy I'm pulling 250dps and holding it. However if I do the exact same rotation manually without the bot I can hold 300dps.

Something odd is going on.
I get the same thing 250-260 on dummies and 290-310 manually

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