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Client randomly crash when start program

New user here, i start installation and try mining, everything work good until game randomly close itself and return me to window.

any advise on this? is this the problem with graphic card driver?

For example.
It mine like 5 spot and program(game) close
it mine like 2 spot and program(game) close
click attach bot to game when bot loading , program(game) close.
are you running any type of over lays? like mumble or teamspeak fraps? do you have antivirus installed? are you running more hten 1 bot?
(09-12-2014, 04:20 AM)jackie1234 Wrote:  are you running any type of over lays? like mumble or teamspeak fraps? do you have antivirus installed? are you running more hten 1 bot?

- No mumble or TS in my computer.
- antivirus (3rd party) was uninstall and use window defender as instruction
-only use 1 bot

please advise
(09-12-2014, 07:22 AM)fxfire Wrote:  is it only happening when you gather ?

One time happen when i attach bot to game client.

Umm still have the problem, now it start close game client after i attach Bot to game. (didnt enable bot yet, just try see config and game close)

Any advise on this? any thin you can help support your customer???


Just buy new license for 1 month (hope will get better after update) but worst. If you cannot help me fix problem, please do refund...
I saw your reply on IRC. I am guessing the one your computer said you have newer version is directX11 ? you need directx 9
(09-20-2014, 03:02 PM)random73 Wrote:  I saw your reply on IRC. I am guessing the one your computer said you have newer version is directX11 ? you need directx 9

The one said that i have newer version is "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86" not directx
hi i am also experiencing this issue still "crash when attaching bot"

i have dx11 installed
frameworks and Visual CC++ up to date
i uninstalled anti virus and turned off firewall, game is windowed, auto afk off i'm running windows 7 64bit

i also have the minion installed on d:/ and repeated a full install several times.
try installing dx9, since the bot needs that.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
installed dx9 but dx11 is integrated to windows 7 so it can't be removed.

either way still crashes

if that is an issue... then not much can be done, will have to look for another bot.

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