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Chocobo AHK
Updating Chocobo AHK Macro: Couldn't update the forum in downloads unfortunately as permission was denied so recreated this.

** Adjustment **
Changed the break when results screen pops to negate the more or less stam issue. It will break when it sees the screen pop irregardless.
Changed Loop to be a bit more efficient

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance force    ;Skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance automatically

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

WinGet, programid, List, FINAL FANTASY

CoordMode, ToolTip, Pixel, Screen
;Initial state is Relative. Frustration awaits if you set Mouse to Screen and then use GetPixelColor because you forgot this line. There are separate ones for: Mouse, Pixel, ToolTip, Menu, Caret

; Control S to Start
    if looping=false
        tooltip, Current Race # : %A_Index%`n, 0, 0, 1 ;Create Window Tool Tip to show # of Races
        tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
        StatusTip := "Asking for Race"
        tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
        sleep 1200
        ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 1200
        ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 1200
        ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 1200
        ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 1200                    
        ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 1200
        ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 1200
        ControlSend,,{Numpad4}, ahk_id %programid1%
        Sleep 1000
        ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
        StatusTip := "Waiting for Race Ready"
                tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
        sleep 1000
        ; Look for Purple Balloon in Race Ready
        PixelGetColor, color, 1560, 510
        tooltip, Race Ready Color: %color%`n, 0, 50, 3 ;Create Window Tool Tip to show color at location
        if color = 0xD6226B
            StatusTip := "Race Ready"
                    tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
            Sleep 2000
               ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
            Sleep 2000
            ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
                    Sleep 500
    StatusTip := "Joined Race"
            tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
; Race Joined Wait to Skip Cutscene
    sleep, 13000
    ControlSend, , {Esc}, ahk_id %programid1%
    sleep, 2000
    ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
    sleep, 14000
; Cutscene Skipped
    StatusTip := "Finding Stamina Bar"
            tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status

; Sprint until 10 percent and break in case stamina stays above 10% at race end
        ; check for break color at the race results section.  If race results is up break the whole thing.
        ; should match color in the race results portion @ line 132
        PixelGetColor, colorbreak, 892, 380
        if (colorbreak = 0x3DB3C6) {
        ; Look at stam bar around 15% marker and if the background turns to Black/Stam Bar Empty Color
        ; Then raise on W.  Two values are base on flashes of bar BLACK/Color of empty spot at 15%
        ; This also means it will resume pressing on the key if it gets a stam boost
        PixelGetColor, color, 783, 983
        tooltip, Stam Color: %color%`n, 0, 50, 3 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Stam Sprint/Walk Color
        ; Check Stamina Color
        if (color = 0x101418)
            StatusTip := "WALKING"
            tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
            ControlSend,,{w up}, ahk_id %programid1%
              ControlSend,,{1}, ahk_id %programid1%
            StatusTip := "SPRINTING"
                    tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
            ;Press W Down otherwise
            sleep 2000
            ControlSend,,{w down}, ahk_id %programid1%
            PixelGetColor, colorbreak, 892, 380 ; check for break color at the race results section.  If race results is up break the whole thing.
            ControlSend,,{1}, ahk_id %programid1%
            ControlSend,,{2}, ahk_id %programid1%
            ControlSend,,{3}, ahk_id %programid1%
; Wait for race results screen to pop
    StatusTip := "Waiting for Race Results"
            tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
        PixelGetColor, color, 892, 380
        tooltip, Race CompleteColor: %color%`n, 0, 50, 3 ;Create Window Tool Tip to show color at location
; Look for Yellow XP Coin on Race Complete Screen
        if (color = 0x3DB3C6)
            StatusTip := "Race Complete"
                    tooltip, Status: %StatusTip%`n, 0, 25, 2 ;Create Window Tool Tip for Status
            Sleep 10000
            ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
            Sleep 500
            ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
            Sleep 10000
            Sleep 1500

I'm using this script, it's done in Autoit and I compile in .exe so ppl don't need to install Autoit.

[Image: 7ddd3bea53.png]
[Image: 9d869e129d.png]
Nice, yeah just trying to keep it up to date if I can until its part of the package :)
edb6377 and KaWeNGod. Thank you guys. For sharing this scripts. I have downloaded it. I'll give it a try some time and see how it goes.

Thanks again.
Thank you for sharing this script, KaWeNGoD.

if you could please help me a bit, am stuck at confirmation window ( yes / no ) it keep pressing No, instead of pressing yes, did a few setting on confirmation window no avail.
Any suggestion how to do it right?
Should I run ffxiv fullscreen or windowed works too?

Thank you again
(04-13-2015, 12:24 PM)Night2020 Wrote:  Thank you for sharing this script, KaWeNGoD.

if you could please help me a bit, am stuck at confirmation window ( yes / no ) it keep pressing No, instead of pressing yes, did a few setting on confirmation window no avail.
Any suggestion how to do it right?
Should I run ffxiv fullscreen or windowed works too?

Thank you again

Settings -> register Menu Values. Is the windows with the Yes/No Buttons, put your mouse in the upper right corner and press 's'
Settings -> register Yes/No Menu Values. While Yes Button is not selected put your mouse on yes button and press 's' (Yes button MUST Not be selected)
I'm having issues with the yes phase of it as well. It keeps spamming no over and over again even though I put my mouse over yes and saved. I'm sure it's me doing something wrong so maybe you could post some edited screenshots that show where we should save?
(04-13-2015, 06:27 PM)imabothonest Wrote:  I'm having issues with the yes phase of it as well. It keeps spamming no over and over again even though I put my mouse over yes and saved. I'm sure it's me doing something wrong so maybe you could post some edited screenshots that show where we should save?

I'm not in home now, in 2 hours i will post some screenshots with the points I use.
Register Menu Values:
[Image: naysxmx.png]
Register Yes/No Menu Values:
[Image: 59HTrym.png]
Accept Duty Window Values:
[Image: Ze77DKR.png]
Quit Cutscene Values:
[Image: Fm6crVS.png]
Wait Start Values:
[Image: FIw2qJ1.png]
Item Values:
[Image: AYzjvFy.png]
Stamina Values:
[Image: 4eDg9PH.png]
Lathered Values:
[Image: 0Vut9DI.png]
Wait End Values:
[Image: HjAtbxe.png]

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