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(03-05-2015, 03:35 AM)Cichard Wrote: [ -> ]its neither that looks like HKN stuff

Which is what exactly? Is there any chance of Minion supporting Gold Saucer in the future? The grind there is horrendous manually.
Its an autohotkey example. Depending on your bird and setup it will need to be tweaked for each user. I always finish in 20,40,60 and 80 in 2:13 or less. I had it run for 40 races without a fail but experience will vary. I was trying to give people options while a solution is found in the Minion space.

I can see the scripts in the posts are from version 1 not version 20 lol.

; Padding in case race started late
sleep, 37000

is the padding in the final version that I used. there are more changes but I also added 1 and 2 keys etc.

Iny any case good luck to all of you at least it gives you a starting point

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         A.N.Other <>
; Script Function:
;    Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

; Control S to Start
; Start Loop
if looping=false
; Create Window Tool Tip to show # of Races
tooltip, `nCurrent Race # : %A_Index%`n, 0, 0
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1500
ControlSend, , {Numpad4}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1500
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 35000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
; Race Joined Wait to Skip Cutscene
sleep, 10000
ControlSend, , {Esc}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 3000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
; Cutscene Skipped Wait for Race to Start and press UP
; 20 Seconds is in case another player is there and holds up the start
sleep, 30000
ControlSend, , {w down}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 50000
ControlSend, , {w up}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
; Try to use a skill if we picked anything up
ControlSend, , {1}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 2000
ControlSend, , {w down}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 35000
ControlSend, , {w up}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
; Try to use a skill if we picked anything up
ControlSend, , {1}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 2000
ControlSend, , {w down}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 35000
ControlSend, , {w up}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 1000
; Try to use a skill if we picked anything up
ControlSend, , {1}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 2000
; Padding in case race started late
sleep, 37000
ControlSend, , {Numpad0}, ahk_class FFXIVGAME
sleep, 10000

Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong but AHK doesn't seem to be sending the {numrpad0} to my game, is there anything I need to adjust?

Nevermind figured out the issue, have to set AHK to run as admin.
Any support for multiboxing multiple accounts? I don't see the script working on more than one gameclient up.
edb are you using this while minion is up? I have minion set to skip cutscenes. That may be my issue
Have to admit I'm getting antsy about bot support for Gold Saucer. This bot does pretty great things, is there a reason Chocobo racing would be otherwise difficult?
(03-05-2015, 06:27 AM)Tru14 Wrote: [ -> ]edb are you using this while minion is up? I have minion set to skip cutscenes. That may be my issue

No i am not. No reason to for me. That would change the part where i hit ESC and 0 to skip it.
Then I have no clue why it doesn't loop for me.
I have noticed sometimes the cursor for hitting 0 gets moved off the enter race popup. I am not sure why. Once I had the script going fine, every time since then it hasn't worked.
first one Always seem to work fine but second doesn't so think that last sleep is to short maybe?
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