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Complete Brayflox HM Profile
Iv'e done over 200 runs with this. Work good thanks :)
No Opo-opo drop yet though :(

Will the profile even loot it if there's more than one drop at the end?
yea, oppo drop rate is terrible. Could have farmed WP in half the time i've been spamming this duty and bought the minion.

Great duty profile tho
anyone actually get opo-opo drop using this?

(10-23-2014, 12:34 AM)feardragonx Wrote:  anyone actually get opo-opo drop using this?
1st run saw an Opo opo ( saddly my autoloot passed it with my both character for some unknown reasonsComplaint) , about 100 runs now and didnt see an other ^^
(10-25-2014, 02:55 PM)naab67 Wrote:  1st run saw an Opo opo ( saddly my autoloot passed it with my both character for some unknown reasonsComplaint) , about 100 runs now and didnt see an other ^^

That sucks man sorry.
I wonder if thats what happens to me cause i ran this for like a week straight while afk and got 0 in my inventory on all 4 accounts
Just saying thank you, been using this profile to cap soldiery on all 4 chars every week, and have seen 3 opos out of ~100 runs
I am having trouble with this profile. 2 Bards and 2 BLMS.. When they enter thy jump to the first spot, and start killing. Then the leader (could be because he is on a faster machine) will start jumping and the others will just sit at the first jump point and never move forward. Any suggestions?
This profile broken now? The profile always seems to break for me when I go to loot the chest after first boss. Two guys get stuck and the other two take off together.

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