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Lost City of Amdapor - 50 Myth & 45 Soldiery
you are probably lagging thats why, you may want to leave someone else as the leader of the duty or disable rendering make sure also to enable "skip cutsene"
Is anyone having issues targeting/attacking with the first boss with this profile? Its the BossID = 2556 in the profile script. I haven't tried duty grinding since this last Sunday (I see there was a duty update) so not sure if the issue was corrected. Anyhow, before the last patch I had no issues at all running this duty profile.

All four bots target the first boss from the tucked away position off to the side, but they do not initiate any skills. I have to manually trigger a skill, and then the script resumes with no other issues. I looked at the script and was wondering if I need to increase the radius from 50 to something higher? Is it another value that I have to modify? Or does it have to do with the "doWait" or "doKill" functions?

Any advice on how to modify the script would be appreciated. Thanks.
you are probably lagging and not tirggering the boss from the pull position. make sure you have disabled cutscenes this tyipcally is the first boss problem with scripts you do not have cutscense disabled.
Having the same issue with as sero with the first boss (Decaying Gourmand). Cut scenes are disabled and I don't believe I'm lagging. Tried with both the brd and blm as leader but still having this issue. Boss is targeted but the leader does not fire off any skills (even though it's within range). Have to manually attack it for it to engage and continue. Everything else works fine though. I also never had any issues before updating to 1.5
(05-26-2014, 08:31 PM)Dragun86 Wrote:  Having the same issue with as sero with the first boss (Decaying Gourmand). Cut scenes are disabled and I don't believe I'm lagging. Tried with both the brd and blm as leader but still having this issue. Boss is targeted but the leader does not fire off any skills (even though it's within range). Have to manually attack it for it to engage and continue. Everything else works fine though. I also never had any issues before updating to 1.5

you could change teh xyz so its just a little closwer to the boss like 1 step use the dev tp to test.
Used dev-tp and took about 4 steps closer before the bot engaged, at which point the boss was able to damage me. Also, I noticed if I switch over to Assist mode the bot has no problem engaging, but in Duty mode seems to have this issue.
ok so the first boss needs 2 points.. an engage point and a fighting point. so the first TP to boss room should be [doKill]=false then 2nd TP in boss room should be =2. this way it will TP to boss room Agro boss then TP to 2nd spot and kill boss.
After some fooling around with it in wordpad I finally got it fixed on my end. There was only one teleport for that boss in my .info file, and I noticed after switching [doKill]=true to [doKill]=false, the bot properly engaged. Only problem is, now it wouldn't kill the boss... it just engaged for a few seconds, teleported to the next boss (who wasn't up), and exited the dungeon. So I just copied that whole section [2] of the .info file for that boss, changed it to [doKill]=false, pasted it all as another section underneath [3] but with [doKill]=true, and now everything's running without a hitch.

Not sure how optimal this is but eh, it works!
you can basically do it two ways. First way would be like this under encounter 1

[1] = {
            ["doWait"] = true;
            ["waitTime"] = 5000;
            ["fightPos"] = {
                ["General"] = {
                    ["y"] = -6.000011;
                    ["x"] = 144.494232;
                    ["h"] = -2.673527;
                    ["z"] = 127.00927;
            ["bossIDs"] = "1548";
            ["taskFunction"] = "ffxiv_duty_kill_task.Create";
            ["radius"] = 50;
            ["startPos"] = {
                ["General"] = {
                    ["y"] = -9.000011;
                    ["x"] = 125.494232;
                    ["h"] = -3.136393;
                    ["z"] = 110.00927;

another way would be to do

[1] = {
            ["doWait"] = true;
            ["doKill"] = false;
            ["bossIDs"] = "35;1560;1561;1562;1563;1559";
            ["taskFunction"] = "ffxiv_duty_kill_task.Create";
            ["waitTime"] = 3500;
            ["startPos"] = {
                ["General"] = {
                    ["y"] = -9.890516;
                    ["x"] = 131.589523;
                    ["h"] = -3.094769;
                    ["z"] = 386.487915;
            ["radius"] = 30;

[2] = {
            ["doWait"] = true;
            ["doKill"] = True;
            ["bossIDs"] = "35;1560;1561;1562;1563;1559";
            ["taskFunction"] = "ffxiv_duty_kill_task.Create";
            ["waitTime"] = 3500;
            ["startPos"] = {
                ["General"] = {
                    ["y"] = -9.890516;
                    ["x"] = 187.589523 ;
                    ["h"] = -3.136658;
                    ["z"] = 378.487915 ;
            ["radius"] = 30;

first example the bot TPs to first cord to start hte encounter and then TPs to the 2nd cord to kill. all in first encounter.

second exmaple the bot will TP to encounter one attack the mob then TP to encounter 2 and kill the mob
problem solved

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