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Thank you for re logger !
(12-28-2013, 04:54 PM)Powder Wrote:  4. its seems to not allowing my 5th character log on whenever its login in 5th character its shutting 1 random account
This sounds like your using the same keycode more than once

I do not use the same key, and this problem is not just me. Devil

I have 12 keys and I introduce them constantly through the copy paste. Your Autologin key bot does not work when the problem is more than 5th character !Devil
here is what i notice. Because the character isnt logged in all the way before signing in to the bot if i put on autolog in, the next bot will log out the first bot. so i cant even get past 1. If i dont use the auto log in feature and manually log in the bot i can launch 2 accounts... but that kinda defeats the whole purpose of the relogger. Even with that said once i go to launch the 3rd account the relogger crashes 100% of the time.
(12-28-2013, 04:54 PM)Powder Wrote:  1. its not selecting data centre to then select correct server
Nowhere was it written that it was able to select datacenter, this is a very difficult task to accomplish and probably wont be in anytime soon.

-> Big problem! So if each of our bot accounts main characters are located in "different data centres (i.e JP-Tonberry and EU-Moogle)", then we can't use the relogger?

(12-28-2013, 04:54 PM)Powder Wrote:  2. the char selection by name is not working is just picking 1st one from the list
Again, it will log in the last used character from that server.

-> So 1st it will pick the wrong Data centre, then it will pick the wrong server, then it will pick the wrong character?

(12-28-2013, 04:54 PM)Powder Wrote:  3. when you enable reloging its relogin few accounts for no reason just shut them down and open again
If the account is not fully logged in the game for 3 minutes, it will close that account and restart it.

4. its seems to not allowing my 5th character log on whenever its login in 5th character its shutting 1 random account
This sounds like your using the same keycode more than once

Problem #3 (Relogger) is part of Problem #4 (Bot/LUA issue).
- The Relogger cannot feed/transmit/send correct FFXIVMinion-Key to the Bot. (Possible Bot/LUA issue)
- The Bot will randomly chose a key from an already existing *_ffxivminion.cfg file which results in "Duplicate/Same FFXIVMinion Key In Use" resulting in kick out/shutdown.
- Automatic Login to FFXIVMinion server will always choose a duplicated/already-in-use key
(12-25-2013, 03:52 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  dont use auto log in and fill out the fields every time?

(12-28-2013, 04:54 PM)Powder Wrote:  Also it will be great if it will tick "Disable Rendering" when bot starts up
This is a bot / lua issue nothing to do with the launcher

Anyway to make the bot/lua save/remember the "Disable Rendering" setting?
The only way i can make the auto login work is.

1- Having all ff14 instances closed
2- Launch ff14 instances one by one with the relogger (betwen each launch i wait that the instance is completly launched)

- If i use the "start all" button, 2 instances will be launch and 3rd will crash the first etc... like others

- Autorelogger doesn't work for me
(12-28-2013, 09:34 PM)fluxvital Wrote:  The only way i can make the auto login work is.

1- Having all ff14 instances closed
2- Launch ff14 instances one by one with the relogger (betwen each launch i wait that the instance is completly launched)

- If i use the "start all" button, 2 instances will be launch and 3rd will crash the first etc... like others

- Autorelogger doesn't work for me

At least you can get it to work period. Mine only gets as far as to the character select screen and then its done. Doesn't login to my 1 & only character on my 1 & only server. Just sits at character select screen :(

*EDIT* And like clockwork my ffxiv game just closed itself. No crash message from windows or anything, the game just completely disappeared and closed itself approximately 3-4 minutes after loading into the game using the GUI launcher. Only semi-stable option I have found so far is to load up the game myself and manually attach the monkey to the game once inside Eorzea.
Dear developers!
I'm tired of regularly restart the game, and the bot.

When will the end of the existing subscription keys, I will not renew their subscription.

If you not correct a problem with your relogger and Autologin key bot, I'll be forced to abandon your services.

I'm sure you will lose a lot of subscribers and for this problem. I only 12 key buyers, but more could and wanted to expand the farm, but this is not possible with such a problem.
Hi GoldenForge, we will fix those problems sooner or later. if you feel like you need a better bot, go look elsewhere, you have my blessing. But please stop posting such ridiculous stuff, you're embarrassing yourself.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
I appreciate the threats and complaints, however I do no recall saying it was a finished product. It is a work in progress, the data selection stuff they decided to put in right before we were about to release it really messed things up, and it's going to take time to figure out how to deal with it. If it really bothers you just use the old launcher until it gets to a point that you can have satisfaction using it.

FYI, you need to have your character name and the server name exactly how it is in game, capitals and all. If this is not correct it will not log in and sit in the character selection screen because it wont find the server. As for closing the game, it is suppose to do this if it senses the instance isn't in game for more than 3 minutes.

You should always be starting it with start all, and let it do its thing. It will ignore any previous ffxiv clients you had open prior to hitting start all.

Extra wait time is only used if the login frame on the ffxiv launcher doesn't load up fast enough for it to enter the credentials.

And please remember this is a work in progress, no need to threaten. I can assure you what we offer is the best that is available, period.
(12-31-2013, 01:18 PM)Powder Wrote:  I appreciate the threats and complaints, however I do no recall saying it was a finished product. It is a work in progress, the data selection stuff they decided to put in right before we were about to release it really messed things up, and it's going to take time to figure out how to deal with it. If it really bothers you just use the old launcher until it gets to a point that you can have satisfaction using it.

FYI, you need to have your character name and the server name exactly how it is in game, capitals and all. If this is not correct it will not log in and sit in the character selection screen because it wont find the server. As for closing the game, it is suppose to do this if it senses the instance isn't in game for more than 3 minutes.

You should always be starting it with start all, and let it do its thing. It will ignore any previous ffxiv clients you had open prior to hitting start all.

Extra wait time is only used if the login frame on the ffxiv launcher doesn't load up fast enough for it to enter the credentials.

And please remember this is a work in progress, no need to threaten. I can assure you what we offer is the best that is available, period.
except it doesnt do this. If I start all the first account launches and it doesnt sign in it just sits there and waits for password to the bot. Now if i put auto login and put in the pass word i cant get any bots to launch because it does that whole random key thing because you are not fully logged in to the game. So it launches one gets in game starts harvesting. launches 2 gets in game starts harvesting but then account 1 closes and relaunches signs in gets fully in to game starts harvesting and game 2 closes. this happens in a endless loop because its using the same keycode even though all 8 of my accounts have different keycodes filled out in their fields.
If you use the gui launcher it will not have the problem of the default .cfg in the char screen. It uses stuff the launcher passed to the bot unlike the plain launcher. The actual keycode and password fields in the gui launcher are not being used at the moment, so you need to have your .cfg's sorted out correctly untill i get some time to do some work on it.

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